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Nov 21st 2022
Carrying on from yesterday's thread, here is a few more things to keep your eye out for when you visit Exeter Cathedral, such as the 3-arched pulpitum, completed in 1324. It was built as a barrier and to limit the view of the choir and east end of the church. 1/6 Image
For the cat lovers there is a door in the N transept/tower which has a round hole in to allow a cat to roam around as a nemesis to rats and mice. Obviously, there wasn't an endless supply as in the 15C a penny a week was provided to feed the cat. #CatsOnTwitter 2/6 Image
The astronomical clock, made in 1484, has the sun (Fleur-de-lis) & moon (an orb that changes between silver & black with the lunar phase) revolving around the earth (central gold orb). The Roman Numerals are the hours of the day, the Arabic numbers are days of the lunar month.3/6 Image
Read 6 tweets
Sep 8th 2022
Hello furriends, happy #Purrsday!

It's an emotional world today as we contemplate the departure of a great soul from this earthly plane.

A trip to the spa will do me good. I'll leave in an hour, mew are welcome to come along💖🌺
#ChillTent #CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals Image
Is everyone ready?

Hop in - we'll be there in about 15minutes.....let me crank some tunes for us!😺🐾💖🐾🚐
#ChillTent #CatsOfTwitter #CatsOnTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals

heri here.. *sings* magic bus! magic buuuuss!!... im wants it im wants it im wants it...
Read 11 tweets
Apr 16th 2022
🐱🐶Everyone wants warmth and care and animals are no exception🙌🏻❤️

There will be a place for everyone, because together they have gone through so much…

30 separate mechanized brigade ned after Prince Constantine of Ostroh
Read 6 tweets
Mar 17th 2022
1/🧵Russia's invasion of Ukraine has prompted a massive humanitarian crisis. For many the feeling of helplessness is overwhelming 💔.

Here are some great ways to help (some not even requiring any money).

Please retweet & share 🇺🇦🌻💙💛#Ukraine #StandWithUkraine #HelpUkraine Image
2/🧵Ways to help include donating to Ukraine via a registered charitable organization, donating money /goods / points / miles, fundraising, volunteering, attending rallies, contacting MPs, fighting disinformation online, etc. 🇺🇦💪#Ukraine #HelpUkraine
3/🧵Money is still the most effective gift.

Most charities prefer donations of cash due to issues with donated goods (logistical hurdles, custom regulations, transport costs, lacking capacity of nonprofit teams to sort the goods, carbon footprint, etc.). 💲🇺🇦#GiveMoney #Ukraine Image
Read 66 tweets
Nov 13th 2021
Not-so-friendly PSA to STOP DUMPING ANIMALS. I spent 12 hours outdoors last night gaining the trust of another beautiful, confused, frightened cat. He was definitely domesticated at one point, desperate for love but scared to be pet. No chip and thrown to fend for himself in 1/4
the coyote laden country. Our vet is about 1/4 mile away and people think animals will just wait there overnight to be taken in (they aren’t a shelter) or make their way from our road. Our county has no shelter or contracts. This is why we rescue. I made him a bed outdoors 2/4
at dusk, he meowed at me for hours, approaching and retreating, before finally making friends at 4am. Got him inside and isolated him to adjust. He has been neutered, so that will save on vet care, but there is zero good reason to ever dump a creature you agreed to care for. 3/4
Read 5 tweets
Sep 15th 2021
For the return of the #UNMBioblog after our year hiatus, I chose to write about the negative consequences for cats, humans, and #wildlife when we allow #cats to roam freely. I couldn't help myself with the punny title.…
I was inspired to write this blog after I witnessed my neighbor's outdoor pet #cat killed a #bird under my feeder. A heated argument ensued. I know nothing has changed because I still scare him out of my backyard. I've counted 9 different cats in my backyard, here is one
I am a paradoxical #catlover, which stems from my #science & #ornithology career. I know how cute it is for my own #cat to frolic in flowers but I understand how dangerous it is for #cats, human #health, & #wildlife when cats roam #CatsOfTwitter #Caturday #catsofinstagram
Read 37 tweets

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