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Oct 29th 2022
MEU India conferred the lifetime achievement award to Dr @profpiyushgupta in recognition of his substantial & meaningful contribution to #MedEd in India. He delivered the 10th #RitaSoodMemorialOration on the topic 'The Era of E-Teacher". 1/
@ProfPiyushGupta walked the audience through the evolution of e-teaching, evidence-base with a learner focus, the emergence of the e-teacher, experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the e-teacher of the future. #MedEd #CBME 2/
In the pre-COVID times, only 72 studies were found in the systematic review, but 71% of them emphasised the benefits of asynchronous learning. COVID drastically changed the attitudes of teachers, and now e-teaching is a new competrency. #MedEd #CBME 3/
Read 6 tweets
Feb 18th 2022
1/12 Looking to stand out on your residency application? Letters of recommendation (LoR) are crucial! This thread is geared towards MS3/4s & will include some strategies & tips for finding letter writers and helping them (help you)!
#MedTwitter #MedStudentTwitter #Match2023
2/12 Do not underestimate the power of a strong LoR! Residency programs that conduct a holistic review of course look at multiple aspects of an applicant’s file. However, letters of recommendation consistently rank as one of the most important factors.
3/12 So, say you’ve identified an attending who you worked well with and who has agreed to write you a LoR. What can you do to help them?
For starters, check out this thread by @DavidBassilyDO
Read 12 tweets
Oct 23rd 2021
#CBME (a long thread)
1)Competency in clinical practice is a complex construct
2)Competency is considered to be an integrated function of knowledge, skills and attitudes and can’t be reliably evaluated by assessing each of these separate elements in isolation
Read 33 tweets
Oct 20th 2021
Hello all! I am excited to present “Time to move from “push” to “pull”: A collaborative process for implementing movement behaviour curricula in undergraduate medical education”
- Tami Morgan, Queen’s University @QueensSKHS @Queensu
3rd year PhD Candidate
If you research or practice #PhysicalActivity in #MedEd, you may recall a number of “calls to action” issued over the years, “pushing” for medical schools to add physical activity to their overextended curricula—for more, see @CmejEditor editorial below & Part B soon in 12(5)
These calls to action have recommended that new objectives and learning hours be added to the curriculum, when medical educators have stated that they do not have time. Unsurprisingly, few medical schools have sustainably implemented physical activity in their curricula.
Read 16 tweets
Sep 27th 2019
How to be a deliberate educator with @CincyIM @mededsall @DrDanSchumacher @Midwest_MedPeds @kelzj3

1. Be systematic, thoughtful & innovative with curriculum development

Use Kern’s 6 steps to curriculum development
2. Frame educational activities towards the learner, not the teacher

Work towards #coproduction

3. Take a scholarly approach

Read 11 tweets

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