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Jun 8th 2022
In Session 2, we focused on networks in #cultural and #creative industries: Building on the relations between UK #theatre workers, @ManfredideBern1 from @KingsCollegeLon showed the process of #CoProduction of #networks in space and time. (1/4)
Dominic Power analysed rural #female #artists’ work and #creativity in #Sweden. He found out that being in the #periphery does not automatically mean #isolation from the center or lesser #creative possibilities: Their networks go far beyond a classic #CorePeriphery model. (2/4)
Alice Bobée elaborated on the entanglement between #BusinessSchools’ cultural economic #geography and cities’ reputation: Facing reduced public #funding, #French business schools have set up campus in European cities, dissociationg themselves from their #national origins. (3/4)
Read 4 tweets
Mar 11th 2022
Sharing my reflections on what makes a job application stand out to me, having read 120+ this week (AfC B7-8C)...

Stronger applicants are often internal (note potential bias) and sharing these insights might reveal expectations not known more widely 1/13
Disclaimers - This is one person's view... also some of these tweets will be petty things that I brush aside and don't mark down for, but still think worth avoiding 2/13
Please spellcheck before submitting - the more disappointing applications are ones with misspelled university or course names (!) which is the first thing I see 3/13
Read 14 tweets
Jul 8th 2021
It’s national #coproduction week!

In this @DisplacedVoice_ issue, @lora_agbaso and I provided reflections from the amazing @VOICESNetworkUK, a co-production initiative with experts by experience in the immigration system.

Our thoughts #coproduction in community-based projects
Achieving a meaningful systemic change often requires more than sharing voices or insights of people with lived experience. Not seeing quick changes can be disheartening.

Advice: Effective management of expectations, joining up efforts, resource sharing, building coalitions
Tokenistic engagement is prevalent in policy and public service contexts due to systemic imbalances.

Advice: proactive analysis of how to make greater contributions. Be selective in engagement opportunities. Important to acknowledge contributions & show the impact of engagement
Read 8 tweets
Nov 30th 2020
Now virtually attending @theNASEM workshop on #Sustainability science- input to the 2021 #NobelPrize Summit “Our Planet, Our Future." Register to watch livestream below. Some highlights to follow over next 3 days #Thread
"Autocracies don't publish much data," says @MarshallBBurke. Do existing methods reinforce existing problematic power structures & unsustainable patterns? Given data gaps, need more ways to measure at scale to be able to shine a light on and potentially address power imbalances.
"Equity is about justice and achieving equality of outcomes, so that everyone can see the football match" says @mleach_ids. Seven forms of equity interact to drive how groups experience the world. ImageImage
Read 80 tweets
Sep 22nd 2020
My new book is out & open access.🥳

It reviews stereotypical (mis-)conceptions about old age & technology (design), and proposes a methodology for more inclusive and participatory public sector innovation: Co-creation.


Thread on chapters 👇
Introduction: There is an articulated need to engage older citizens in the design of digital services, but a lack of evidence concerning successful participation approaches. This book addresses this gap by reporting from three co-creation projects with older adults @MobileAgeEU
The 2nd chapter reviews dominant discourses about #ageing societies and technological #innovation. It argues that engaging older adults in design processes can reconfigure how and which imaginaries of old age and "successful ageing" are being scripted into technologies.
Read 12 tweets
Jul 31st 2020
1. All this just to say: there is a controversy but it's immaterial to how hope or its absence are determinant factors in #suicide
You could say this is unnecessary. It's not: every conceptual knot must be undone for the benefit of those at risk. @lttphoto @AcademicChatter Image
2. Victims can no longer be victimized by pain AND arrogant misconceptions AND arrogant failure to acknowledge ignorance. We will only make progress by acknowleging ignorance and the importance of #coproduction of knowledge with survivors .
@lttphoto @AcademicChatter
3. As @RoninInstitute and @IGDOREinstitute propose, it's time to re-invent academic work, to move towards new and more complex forms of producing knowledge. Nobody said it would be easy. But then again, this knowledge will matter so much more.
Read 3 tweets
Jul 24th 2020
Just catching up on one of @VMIAC's "What if..." seminars with Craig Wallace via @YouTube
This might be of interest to @In2gr8mh and @ManyHatsNetwork followers. Image
Nice reference to @IndigoDaya's article on authentic engagement:…
Love these tips for people wishing to engage service users in #consultation, #participation or #coproduction processes: Image
Read 3 tweets
Jul 10th 2020
As it's the last day of #coproductionweek2020, I thought before it was over I'd share stuff.

It's 1 thing to hear something from quotes from organisation, but another to hear it direct. So, "Hi, I'm the person quoted by @AWPNHS" a couple times this week
...and before I get started, yes, it was as difficult as you might imagine stopping myself from phrasing that introduction as if I was famous actor Troy McClure and 'you might remember me from such tweets as'.
I'm grateful that AWP has been promoting #coproduction and the work of so many in the Trust have started moving towards.

I don't think anyone would deny that there is still a lot to work on, barriers to challenge and obstacles to overcome.

Who knows what quotes will...
Read 14 tweets
Jul 8th 2020
Great to be hearing from all these partners in the 3rd sector working in mental health and their support of our @HealthFdn @4Sheffield bid. Plenty of challenges about doing things differently
@ScottWeich @RLFinn_ @StoryingShef @DrMikePsych @jamesfm55 @JosieSoutar @DrSNThomas 1/
For example - what do we mean by #coproduction and how can we make it real and visible? 2/ Image
Who is sitting at the table and who’s table is it anyway? 2/ ImageImage
Read 10 tweets
Apr 7th 2020
A thread of useful resources on #DigitalEngagement & #PublicInvolvement - so I can keep tabs on things that I've picked up as much as anything.
Please add anything I've missed.
1/ This fab & hot-off-the-press #OnlineEngagement guide by @NCCPE
2/ Ever-evolving crowdsourced doc on digital co-design and remote #PublicInvolvement by @dr_know incl links to resources, questions & contacts:…
@dr_know 3/ The @dr_know Googledoc led to Zoom meetings about 'Meaningful cocreation during Covid' hosted by @katemartin_says & @JonoBroad. Open to anyone who’s interested
Read 20 tweets
Sep 27th 2019
How to be a deliberate educator with @CincyIM @mededsall @DrDanSchumacher @Midwest_MedPeds @kelzj3

1. Be systematic, thoughtful & innovative with curriculum development

Use Kern’s 6 steps to curriculum development
2. Frame educational activities towards the learner, not the teacher

Work towards #coproduction

3. Take a scholarly approach

Read 11 tweets

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