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Mar 11th 2023
USDC Stablecoin Cash Reserves at Failed Silicon Valley Bank Come Under Scrutiny #USDC $USDC $QUACK #RichQUACK #Cryptocrash

1/ The USDC stablecoin is facing intense scrutiny after a Silicon Valley bank that was holding around $11 billion in cash reserves failed. This has raised serious questions about the safety and transparency of the stablecoin's cash reserves. $QUACK
2/ For those unfamiliar with it, USDC is a stablecoin that is pegged to the U.S. dollar and has become increasingly popular in the cryptocurrency space. It is managed by Circle, a leading crypto financial services company. $QUACK
Read 11 tweets
Nov 30th 2022
Today, we attended the #FTX hearing by the @EP_Economics in the @Europarl_EN.

It was an interesting discussion, with the underlying question being

"Would #MiCA have prevented the FTX collapse? Will the new rules be enough to address those issues?"

A🧵with key quotes:

Speakers underlined this is not a #crypto issue, but a human one

"The lack of segregation of user data in the #FTXscandal demonstrates the legislative need for the #EU to apply existing data protection rules to the #crypto market"

MEP @itinagli, Chair of @EP_Economics

"The #FTXscandal is caused by human behaviour!

It is to the #crypto market what Lehman Brothers represented for the traditional finance industry. Had #MiCA been already in place, the #FTX case should have never been possible"

MEP @DrStefanBerger, MiCA Rapporteur

Read 9 tweets
Oct 6th 2022
📢#MiCA is complete!

The landmark #crypto regulation sets out uniform 🇪🇺 requirements for offerors of #cryptoassets and service providers (#CASPs) to apply for authorisation in the Single Market.

👀🧵for a full dive on #MiCA and what it means for the #cryptoindustry.

Even though a better agreement was close last week, 🇫🇷 vetoed it during the 🇪🇺 MS intervention period & raised concerns on USD-denominated #stablecoins used as a "means of #exchange", suggesting a return to their restriction when used for #settlement purposes ❗️

The compromise was to at least clarify that USD-#stablecoins used for spot #trading would NOT be captured.

The final text was approval by #COREPER yesterday and @EP_Economics will do it on 10/10. Final adoption by Ministers and the Parliament’s Plenary will be end of Oct.

Read 22 tweets
Mar 22nd 2022
#BTCryptoConclave | @CoinDCX | In a panel with @RahulKanwal, BJP MP @jayantsinha, Shiv Sena MP @priyankac19, BJD MP @OfPinaki and former Congress MP @rajeevgowda share their thoughts on the right path for the #Cryptos in India; #BanOrRegulate
@CoinDCX @rahulkanwal @jayantsinha @priyankac19 @OfPinaki @rajeevgowda #BTCryptoConclave | Govt’s approach towards crypto is quite measurable and its absolutely legal, says @jayantsinha, MP, BJP
@CoinDCX @rahulkanwal @jayantsinha @priyankac19 @OfPinaki @rajeevgowda #BTCryptoConclave | Global picture of Crypto still evolving, says @jayantsinha, MP, BJP

WATCH the livestream:
Read 14 tweets

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