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May 26th 2021
Where’s Jordan? It has been a valid question from so many of you, and it has been difficult to hold back from responding. However, some things take time and here I am now. I do owe you an answer because you have graciously invited me into your home every morning for a decade 1/20
We have laughed together and cried together, and I recognize that I may hold a very special place in yours and your family’s hearts.
I came to Calgary on somewhat of a whim in 2011. An Opportunity! My amazingly supportive wife was 8 months pregnant with our second child. 2/20
On bed rest. But we picked up and left our beloved city of #Winnipeg to come west. And damn I love this city of #Calgary and this province of #Alberta. I have lived in many place and I have learned that people make a place an actual community and those of you that I have met 3/20
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