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Apr 24th 2020
SPECIAL ANALYSIS: Like #Cancer, #capitalism grows until it murders the host body. During this pandemic shutdown, it’s not getting the growth it needs and is becoming benign.
By: @LeeCamp
#Trump #disinfectant #lysol #coronavirus…
@TimesSquareNYC is nearly empty of pedestrians during the #coronavirus pandemic in #NewYorkCity .
Ted Shaffrey | AP
#disinfectant #Trump #coronavirus #lysol Image
A man sleeps in the middle of an empty street during the #coronavirus outbreak in @barcelona.
Emilio Morenatti | AP
#lockdownextension #disinfectant #Trump #BLEACH Image
Read 4 tweets
Apr 24th 2020
🐍 @realDonaldTrump was NOT being sarcastic. He was promoting Genesis II MMS bleach - a snake oil conspiracy theory that claims that MMS cures HIV, #coronavirus, autism, cancer etc. This 🐍 snake oil is being sold on conservative sites 🎩 tip @BinkerTelle…
😬Conspiracy theorist, Mark Grenon, told Trump that chlorine dioxide – a powerful bleach used in industrial processes such as textile manufacturing that can have fatal side-effects when drunk – is “a wonderful detox that can kill 99% of the pathogens in the body”.
⛪️Grenon the “archbishop” of Genesis II – a FLORIDA -based outfit that claims to be a church but which in fact is the largest producer and distributor of chlorine dioxide bleach as a “miracle cure” in the US. He brands the chemical as MMS, “miracle mineral solution”#disinfectant
Read 5 tweets
Apr 24th 2020
1/ THREAD: Trump's comments regarding injecting "disinfectants"(bleach and isopropyl alcohol) — as well as his suggestion of using a "tremendous light" or "ultraviolet light", were absolutely NOT sarcastic. Why?

#BodyLanguageExpert #COVID19
2/ Look carefully at Trump yesterday:

• His #BodyLanguage was not sarcastic
• His tone of voice/vocal characteristics were not sarcastic
• His words were not sarcastic
• The micro-context in which he made the comments were not sarcastic (no one else was being sarcastic)
3/ • The macro-context in which he made the comments was not sarcastic (the whole subject of this press briefing is the #Coronavirus Pandemic. Tens of thousands of people are dying, why would you be sarcastic?)

#BodyLanguageExpert #BodyLanguage #Disinfectant
Read 7 tweets
Apr 24th 2020
1/ THREAD: Trump's comments regarding injecting "disinfectants"(bleach and isopropyl alcohol) — as well as his suggestion of using a "tremendous light" or "ultraviolet light", were absolutely NOT sarcastic. Why? Look carefully at yesterday's video:

#BodyLanguageExpert #COVID19
2/ Look carefully at yesterday's video:

• His #BodyLanguage was not sarcastic
• His tone of voice/vocal characteristics were not sarcastic
• His words were not sarcastic
• The micro-context in which he made the comments were not sarcastic (no one else was being sarcastic)
3/ • The macro-context in which he made the comments was not sarcastic (the whole subject of this press briefing is the #Coronavirus Pandemic. Tens of thousands of people are dying, why would you be sarcastic?)

#BodyLanguageExpert #BodyLanguage #Disinfectant
Read 6 tweets
Apr 24th 2020
You might be wondering why Lysol, #InjectDisinfectant, #DontDrinkBleach, and #disinfectant are trending rn. Here's why: 👇
In response, it looks like @EPA is reminding us to only use disinfectant on surfaces.…
And so is the company that makes Lysol. Any time you hear claims about a potential cure for #COVID19, you should always do your research and use your common sense!
Read 4 tweets
Apr 24th 2020
Dettol better or Cillit Bang? Asking for Doctor friends.
Decisions decisions. #disinfectant #cure Image
Flash says 100% so that must mean cure rate but Dettol has a lovely smell. Oh this is so hard.
Read 6 tweets

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