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May 14th 2020
Like many, I’ve had some extra fee time these days... After rebinging @theofficenbc and #theofficereunion I was inspired.

A thread of Trump’s handling of the #coronavirus (#COVID19) pandemic, as told by Michael Scott. #TheOffice
Way back in 2018, Trump decided it was a good idea to disassemble the #Pandemic Response Team – created by the Obama administration in case there was “an airborne disease that is deadly.” This can’t go wrong! #thiswaspreventable
Trump does nothing to replace this. He plays golf and insults people on Twitter – just the normal things that presidents do right?
Read 52 tweets
May 8th 2020
Appreciate if you could advise your numerous callers who keep citing #Lysol that it's an anti-bacterial (not antiviral): unless it's the Lysol "Power and Free" line, the active ingredient of which is hydrogen peroxide.
That's why your lady emergency doctor suggested "bleach" to a question citing #lysol because 10% Chlorox (bleach) is known to kill all the known germs, including viruses. In fact 10% Chlorox/Bleach was used to disinfect virus contaminated glassware in a Virology Laboratory..
.. before plastic replaced glassware in a Virology/Tissue Culture Laboratory and are autoclaved to "kill" the contaminating virus BEFORE disposal.
Read 7 tweets
May 3rd 2020
amazing: Trump won Florida seniors by 17 pts 2016. he currently trails seniors by 10 pts in Fla, according to Gallup;…
can you *imagine* press coverage if Biden were trailing in key demo by 10 pts that Hillary won by 17 pts??
Read 4 tweets
Apr 24th 2020
SPECIAL ANALYSIS: Like #Cancer, #capitalism grows until it murders the host body. During this pandemic shutdown, it’s not getting the growth it needs and is becoming benign.
By: @LeeCamp
#Trump #disinfectant #lysol #coronavirus…
@TimesSquareNYC is nearly empty of pedestrians during the #coronavirus pandemic in #NewYorkCity .
Ted Shaffrey | AP
#disinfectant #Trump #coronavirus #lysol Image
A man sleeps in the middle of an empty street during the #coronavirus outbreak in @barcelona.
Emilio Morenatti | AP
#lockdownextension #disinfectant #Trump #BLEACH Image
Read 4 tweets
Apr 24th 2020
SPECIAL REPORT: Corporations like #Amazonギフト券 and @WholeFoods spend fortunes on ad campaigns thanking their workforce for “heroic” service, they refuse to provide basic gear or sick pay and crush any internal dissent.
By: @AlanRMacLeod
The revamp is one of many actions large corporations across the world have taken to symbolically thank their workers amidst the #coronavirus global crisis.
#GlobalCitizen #DisinfectantInjection #maskchallenge #lysol
This has not been appreciated by @WholeFoods 91,000 staff, especially as the retail behemoth owned by #Amazonギフト券 CEO @JeffBezos, has failed to provide staff with adequate wages or protective equipment, endangering their lives.
Read 4 tweets

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