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Feb 23rd 2023
On Feb 27, we will take to the streets in 🇩🇪 and in front of German embassies worldwide!
This day marks the 70th anniversary of the debt cancellation 🇩🇪 received after #WW2 in the #LondonAgreement.
Here is a little history lesson that you may not have heard in school:
Post-war 🇩🇪 was a heavily indebted country:
there was pre-war debt, consisting of outstanding reparation payments from WW1 & private debts of German banks & companies (standstill debt), the amount of the debt made by the Nazi Government (Konversionskasse) and post-war debt👇[2/18
Bear in mind that the #DeNazification of 🇩🇪 was never properly done: major powerful figures from the Third Reich remained in influential political & economic positions after the war, and were able to build their businesses also due to the outcome of the #LondonAgreement.👇[3/18]
Read 18 tweets
Oct 9th 2019
Thread: #XR isnt about climate

Stuart Basden Co-founder Extinction Rebellion says XR not about Climate (that's just a symptom of a toxic system that has infected the ways we relate to each other as humans and to all life)"

XR is about #decolonialism…
XR about #decolonialism: Basden says "how European ‘civilisation’ spread around the globe thru cruelty & violence over the last 600 years of colonialism, where the roots of the infections go much further back"
Basden #XR: "#Europeans spread their toxicity around the world, they brought torture, genocide, carnage & suffering to the ends of the earth. Their cultural myths justified the horrors, idea that indigenous people were animals (not humans)"
Read 10 tweets

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