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Dec 31st 2020
Tomorrow, Zynga shuts down FarmVille on Facebook after 11 years. I wanted to share the story of how we created it and why it has played such an important role in the evolution of gaming. 1/x
The real innovation of FarmVille was in making games accessible to busy adults, giving them a place to invest and express themselves and be seen by people in their lives as creative. People thought of FarmVille as a sort of Etch-a-Sketch. 2/x
It was the first game at scale that leveraged big data, and almost everything inside the game was tested and optimized. FarmVille became a training ground for a generation of entrepreneurs and product managers. 3/x
Read 16 tweets
Aug 20th 2020
"...the documents describe a long pattern of abuse, neglect and mismanagement of detainees at #Immigration Centers of America (ICA) #Farmville — a facility where almost everyone has #coronavirus."
by @AlanRMacLeod… #FOIA #COVID19 #humanity #thursdaymorning
ICA Farmville already has a reputation for overcrowding and poor sanitation. Last year the private #ICE #prison was hit with an outbreak of mumps, a classic disease of overcrowding and poor sanitation.
by @AlanRMacLeod… #COVID19 #Immigration #pandemic
With over two million people locked up across a sprawling network of private and public #prisons, the US has by far the highest incarceration rate in the world.
by @AlanRMacLeod… #prison #thursdaymorning
Read 3 tweets

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