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Jul 4th 2022
@NPR is doing its annual reading and tweeting of the #DeclarationOfIndependence. 246 years ago a group of men felt it so important that they risked everything to defy a King & start a path for a democratic republic. Today we’re seeing those values attacked by the stolen #SCOTUS
The #AntiDemocraticParty of the GOP passing laws & ideas to circumnavigate the will of #Americans. On this #IndependenceDay2022, it is time to not celebrate what happened 246 years ago, but to honor it by standing up for our #FellowAmericans ensuring that #Rights and #Freedoms
Are actually for all of us. #Autonomy is a #Right. Not being shot because you look dangerous or are frightened or just went to school #Right. Loving yourself & having your ability to have your own family is a #Right. #Healthcare is a #HumanRight (#AbortionIsHealthcare)
Read 7 tweets
Apr 1st 2020
#MoralQuestion #ISeeDeadPeople

What would your #USGovernment do in a pandemic for #NationalSecurity?

Take out a building?
Take out prison?
Take out a hospital?
Take out a shelter?
Take out a city?
Take out a state?

What would the oligarchs & kleptocrats do to out-#survive US?
On 9/11, scrambled jets were given orders to shoot down full passenger jets as necessary - don't think these discussions aren't taking place in earnest. #StephenMiller & #JaredKushner are in on the talks, so you know they're about #homicide and #genocide. They're real life Nazis.
"Jared Kushner, the president's son-in-law and top adviser, and Stephen Miller, a senior policy adviser, took the lead in writing President Donald Trump's error-riddled address to the nation about the coronavirus outbreak."…
Read 10 tweets

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