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Feb 25th 2023
@PierrePoilievre didn't post it on his Twitter feed but condemned 'vile' views of Germany's @AndersonAfDMdEP in the media.
POLL: Will @PierrePoilievre remove CPC MPs Dean Allison, Colin Carrie & Leslyn Lewis who met with Anderson at a paid dinner from the CPC caucus?
Pls Comment
@globalnews @CBCNews @CTVNews @NatObserver all reported Poilievre denounced 'vile' and 'racist' views of @AndersonAfDMdEP who met with 3 of his MPs, 2 of whom (Lewis & Allison) have postured that didn't know who she was or what she believes.
Read 22 tweets
Feb 3rd 2023
After some intel gathering and exploring of the blockchain, I've finally gotten a missing piece to the puzzle, UTXO

Let me try to explain as best I can

#FollowingTheMoney #CryptoNetwork
The best way of looking at it is to compare it to cash, this is gonna get a bit technical.

If you have say $16 in cash, you don't have a 16 dollar bill.

It would, for an instance, be 10 dollar bill + 5 dollar bill + 1 dollar bill

#FollowingTheMoney #CryptoNetwork
If you have a 20 dollar bill and you're going to pay John $10, you wouldn't rip the 20 dollar bill in two and give John half

You'd give John the $20 and receive $10 back

#FollowingTheMoney #CryptoNetwork
Read 19 tweets
Jan 29th 2023

So after starting to look into where the money was going from Eliza, I started to doubt that would lead anywhere...

I might have found something else though...

This might take some time to untangle
So let's start back-up with Eliza's wallet

Looking at it she made 0.15023756 BTC

One donation however sticks out

Hash: 9c46eeccbd35d178dba1394595c9b810e0d61aa0e9b28455fb41048c8b89f03a

We know this is a donation

Let's go look at the wallet…
This is weird

2 transactions, 1 in one and 1 out

Why would you make an account just to donate to Eliza? Why 0.14227771 BTC? That's a lot of money Roughly 3.3 K USD, as a donation? That's weird

Why is it split into two? Why is the input split into two?…
Read 72 tweets
Oct 8th 2018

Trump's deputy campaign chair Rick Gates solicited proposals (#felony) from Israeli firm Psy Group to create fake online personas, use social media manipulation & gather intel to help defeat @GOP primary opponents (@tedcruz) & @HillaryClinton🤨1/…
Gates wasn't interested in Psy Group b/c other Trump aides oversaw social media. George Nader & Joel Zamel (Psy Group owner) met w/Don Jr & offered to help *THROW THE ELECTION* at an Aug'16 meeting arranged by Erik Prince‼️

Nader is COOPERATING.😎 2/

George Birnbaum (Arthur Finkelstein protégé/@GOP consultant who worked for Netanyahu & other Israeli officials) initially pitched Gates on using social media influence/manipulation to sway @GOP delegates toward Trump.🤨 3/
Read 15 tweets

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