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Dec 7th 2022
1/x NEW: We @statesunited spent the last 12 months tracking & researching the dangerous Election Denier movement in statewide races—the very first organization to do so. We just released an update of our Replacing The Refs report👇#SUAction

2/x Here are some findings from the report: The 2022 #MidtermElections were defined by a dangerous trend. Election Deniers ran for governor, attorney general & secretary of state. They campaigned on lies & asked Americans to trust them with the power to oversee our elections.
3/x What is an “Election Denier”? Someone who undermines our free, fair, secure elections and spread lies about the 2020 results, despite them being confirmed over and over again. But never when they win, interestingly 🙄.
Read 17 tweets
Nov 28th 2022

How could the #MidtermElections impact U.S. foreign policy?

With @CrisisGroup experts @itbriscoe, @mwhanna1, @amanda_hsiao & @OlyaOliker.

Follow this 🧵 for key quotes and takeaways.

Or tune in to our YouTube live stream 👇
“If something changes U.S. policy on the war in #Ukraine it’s not going to be pressure from Congress, it’s going to be events on the ground,” argues @OlyaOliker.
“We’ve already seen criticism from Republicans that the current administration has been ‘weak’ on #China,” says @amanda_hsiao.

Join the conversation 👇
Read 7 tweets
Nov 19th 2022
“It’s not my job as a voter to prove voter fraud. It’s the government’s job to prove they’re doing transparent elections I can trust. So none of this even matters. They’re ILLEGAL ELECTIONS!”

#Rigged #RiggedElections #ElectionFraud #USelections #Midterms #MidtermElections
11.18.2022 Clark County in Las Vegas, Nevada American Patriot Mindy Robinson speaks regarding the 2022 Election Corruption.

#Rigged #RiggedElections #ElectionFraud #Stolen #StolenElections #USelections #Midterms #Midterms2022 #MidtermElections #MidtermElections2022
3. “It’s not my job as a voter to prove voter fraud. It’s the government’s job to prove they’re doing transparent elections I can trust. So none of this even matters. They’re ILLEGAL ELECTIONS!”

11.18.2022 Clark County in Las Vegas, Nevada

#Rigged #ElectionFraud
Read 8 tweets
Oct 31st 2022
I woke up to more news about Russian missile strikes on civilian targets in Ukraine. This of course is the norm but given that Russia has announced its intent to blockade world food supplies again, the never-ending energy blackmail and the hubris in calling the strike on the
#BlackSeaFleet a terror attack its obvious that Russia really thinks she can cuck the world. Putin is running around talking peaceful co-existence of religions and cultures out of one side of his mouth and oppressing Ukraine and killing Ukrainians out of another. The UN has
to be worthless, with Russia holding two vetoes it is never going to get off its ass and defend the right of self determination for all nations and it will not oppose the #GenocideOfUkrainians unleashed by #russiaisateroriststate. Its just not going to happen. If NATO doesn't
Read 12 tweets
Oct 27th 2022
Because no one else will say it out loud about Democrats, Biden and womens equal rights (the #ERA), I’m starting a thread that I hope goes viral because it will educate people enough to pressure the president to do his fucking job this year.
@POTUS #Biden is completely responsible for the #abortionbans in several states. It’s true. Here are the facts. By the numbers, so use a number if you want to argue back:
1. The #ERA is the 28th amendment to the #Constitution but #Biden refuses to allow the National Archivist to publish it — at least not before the #midtermelections
Read 21 tweets
Oct 24th 2022
Ron DeSantis and Charlie Crist are about to debate – follow live

#DeSantis #crist #Midterms2022 #MidtermElections…
How to watch Ron DeSantis and Charlie Crist in sole televised Florida governor debate…
The debate is about to begin - follow live here

#Florida #DeSantis #Crist #Midterms…
Read 4 tweets
Oct 24th 2022
We're 14 days away from #MidtermElections and it's imperative that Black and brown voters recognize their pivotal role in what will determine the direction of our country.
Rep @JamaalBowmanNY met with @Blavity to urge voters to get to the polls and "hold the people the elect accountable through consistent engagement and relationship."

We know that it's the work on the ground, year-round that makes a huge impact to fix our democracy.
In a country that is polarized and gripped with fear, Rep. @JamaalBowmanNY & @CommChangeAct Chief of Program Afua Atta-Mensah, reminds us that in order to have a healthy democracy - everyone's vote matters. ✊🏻✊🏼✊🏾✊🏿

Read the full article here…
Read 3 tweets
Oct 23rd 2022
🪡 MAGA extremists now openly flaunt support for Putin’s Dictatorship currently murdering, raping in illegally occupied and annexed parts of Ukraine.

Truly the #Midterm2022 election is a fight to save US democracy.

#Ukraine #MAGA #Trump #MidtermElections #Jan6 #RoeVWade
2 🪡 Trump’s love of Dictators was signalled quite early on, in his fan mail to Vladimir Putin in December 2007.

At the time Putin was brutally suppressing protests for freedom led by @Kasparov63 in Moscow.

#MAGA #Trump #Ukraine #Midterms #MidtermElections2022
3 🪡 Over the years this love of the Russian Dictatorship has led to Trump applauding Putin’s poll ratings & ‘genius’

Poll ratings in a Dictatorship, as we all know, are not a true and realistic reflection of reality.

#MAGA #Trump #Midterms #MidtermElections2022 #Ukraine
Read 6 tweets
Oct 4th 2022
“Ch 11,” titled “Culture War Allegory:

“Reversing the Invasion of the Body Follow or Not to Follow the Script”

Quotes/Highlights THREAD

From *Culture War Class War 2022: Truth & Generations*

by Michael Adzema

(pub. 10/2022)…

CW22Q 11/1
Quotes/Highlights THREAD

From *Culture War Class War 2022:

*Truth & Generations*

by Michael Adzema

(available on website now & being published Oct 2022)

READ &/or dwnl entire BOOK free AT SITE...

READ BOOK… #Midterms #psychology #history

CW22Q 11/2
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “…we are beginning to see a metaphor for psychological realities & that ‘following the script’ has a broader meaning for a choice that everyone must make in life in growing up,..”

THREAD… #Midterms #psychology #history

CW22Q 11/3
Read 41 tweets
Oct 31st 2018
1/ THREAD: We asked @TedCruz, @BetoORourke and @NealDikeman 17 policy questions we crowdsourced from young Texans.

Here’s what they said to each one.

#tx2018 #txsen #MidtermElections
2/ Should the state or federal government increase the minimum wage?

@BetoORourke: Yes
@NealDikeman: No
@TedCruz: No
3/ How should the government help Texans build wealth through homeownership?

@BetoORourke said "expand existing home-buyer assistance programs that help with down payments and mortgage loans."
Read 34 tweets
Oct 30th 2018
I am going to go ahead and say this is just a tad bit busy. #MidtermElections
But rules are rules
See i like Chang. He went for the solo trick far away and it is the first sign you see unobstructed. I like it.
Everyone should be like mark Chang.
Read 4 tweets
Oct 11th 2018
1) I'm starting to suspect that we're not going to get a #Qanon related bombshell before the mid-terms.

The reason? The mid-terms are safe. There is no need right now.

It pisses us off, but this seems like the reality to me.

#WWG1WGA #GreatAwakenening #redpill #walkaway
2) The exception might be a McCabe indictment. Or the Dr. Fraud plot exposed.

Otherwise, I think @POTUS doesn't want to take a risk while the polling is shifting red. DECLAS is on hold.

#QAnon #WWG1WGA #walkaway
3) The Kavanaugh debacle seems to have replaced the effect of a Q-bomb dropping on the left.

The left's unhinged rhetoric is turning off moderate voters. The Trump rally crowds are huge.

#QAnon #WWG1WGA #PatriotsFight #MidtermElections
Read 12 tweets
Oct 8th 2018

Trump's deputy campaign chair Rick Gates solicited proposals (#felony) from Israeli firm Psy Group to create fake online personas, use social media manipulation & gather intel to help defeat @GOP primary opponents (@tedcruz) & @HillaryClinton🤨1/…
Gates wasn't interested in Psy Group b/c other Trump aides oversaw social media. George Nader & Joel Zamel (Psy Group owner) met w/Don Jr & offered to help *THROW THE ELECTION* at an Aug'16 meeting arranged by Erik Prince‼️

Nader is COOPERATING.😎 2/

George Birnbaum (Arthur Finkelstein protégé/@GOP consultant who worked for Netanyahu & other Israeli officials) initially pitched Gates on using social media influence/manipulation to sway @GOP delegates toward Trump.🤨 3/
Read 15 tweets
Sep 18th 2018
Hey #Massachusetts #MA
You need to register by October 17th to be able to vote in #Midterms2018 on NOVEMBER 6.
THREAD of all your Democratic Candidates with twitter & websites.
And VOTER INFO with all the Links you need!
#MA01 #MA02 #MA03 #MA04 #MA05 #MA06 #MA07 #MA08 #MA09
Register Online here:…
Check Registration here:…
Find Polling Place…
Send to Local Election Officials:…
Democratic Candidate for SENATOR for #Massachusetts
#MA01 #MA02 #MA03 #MA04 #MA05 #MA06 #MA07 #MA08 #MA09

DEM Incumbent
Elizabeth Warren

vs Geoff Diehl
VOTE November 6, 2018
Early Voting: Oct 22 - Nov 2
Read 20 tweets
Sep 2nd 2018
#Midterms2018 NOVEMBER 6, 2018!
Here’s a THREAD of all Democratic Candidates (w/ Photos, Twitter & Websites)
plus VOTER INFO with Links!
(*Graphics have GOP Incumbent's NRA Ratings*)
Register to Vote by OCTOBER 9th
Online Registration here:…
#MidtermElections NOV 6
Register by OCTOBER 9
Online here:…
DHSMV services:…
Other agencies:…
Check (& keep checking) your Registration here:…

Democratic Candidate for U.S. Senate #FLORIDA
DEM Incumbent Senator Bill Nelson

Register by October 9th
Early Voting Oct 27-Nov 3
Request Absentee Ballot by October 31 for mail, in-person by Nov 6

Read 36 tweets
Aug 21st 2018
1: #RebrandTrumpRapistPedophileHumanTraffickerInvestigateImpeach
A LOT of are things reaching critical mass very soon in U.S. politics. This thread will show many of the more horrible things that Donald Trump @POTUS has been accused of and I never have or never will ignore them.
2: #RebrandTrumpRAPISTPedophileHumanTraffickerInvestigateImpeach
27 Women Who Have Accused Donald Trump of Sexual Misconduct @alternet…
If this isn't a big deal to you, you may be a miserable human being!
3: #RebrandTrumpRapistPEDOPHILEHumanTraffickerInvestigateImpeach
I'm am ANGRY about this & don't know which is worse, public apathy or media apathy.
Read 123 tweets
Jul 29th 2018
This November, millions of Americans’ access to health care is on the line. Each day from #100DaysOut to midterm elections, we’ll share the story of a Little Lobbyist who needs YOU to be a #HealthCareVoter for them. THREAD 0/100
#100DaysOut “Meet our kids and think of them when you vote. Our children deserve that.” @ElenaHung202

This November, Xiomara's access to health care is #WhatsAtStake. She needs you to be a #HealthCareVoter. 1/100
#100daysout Timmy would’ve lost his insurance in the NICU if he hadn’t been born just 6 days after the #ACA banned lifetime caps on care.

Timmy's access to health care is #whatsatstake this November. Be a #HealthCareVoter. 2/100
Read 101 tweets

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