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Jan 21st 2023
He was hanged 2 months before his 20th birthday....
And Hemu Kalani, carried Bhagavad Geeta with him to the gallows.

This is the funeral photo of one of the youngest revolutionaries executed for fighting for Indian independence.

He stated to the police and the court that if
the British rulers could justify putting down the independence movement by force of weapons and armaments, then he, was totally right for endeavouring to eradicate these same weapons and armaments.

Hemu was born in the Sindhi city of Sukkur in united India on March 23, 1923.
In his youth, Hemu admired the engagements of his uncle, Dr Mangharam Kalani, who was a famous Congress elder in Sukkur and a veteran of the anti-colonial struggle. He became a member of the ‘Swaraj Sena’ (a youth organization) and was elected its figurehead after being
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Jul 27th 2020
@OmarAbdullah #kashmiris know all this and if you do not go with what our people want and that is #KashmirDemandsSelfDetermination
#KashmirRight2SelfDetermination you and your ilk will not be accepted and continue to be recognised as a #Collabarator of the occupying force .
I recall when I was young and met sheikh sahib after my and only visit to #Pakistan in 1980 to attend a cousin marriage he accepted the mistake of choosing #India and completely proved by what #India did on 5th August 2019 and his justification was 1971 debacle which led him to
1975 debacle after the 1947 . Your father in 1996 did the same when we were loosing youth everyday and again opted for #IndianDemocracy which is proved once again as you people where looking for autonomy and he did not get that as that was treated as tissue paper in #DelhiDarbar
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