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Mar 20th 2023
Is Indian democracy in crisis under @narendramodi was the topic.

Hosted by journalist & film producer Steve Paikin. @spaikin

Watched this with interest because there were 4 panellists all Indians, with @ShekharGupta alone from India.

@spaikin did a decent job considering that his take basically depended on

* @BBC documentary on the Gujarat riots
* -ve Western reports on Indian democracy & press freedom.

Still he seemed quite objective, willing to listen even gently steering the debate to an opposite view.
@ShekharGupta was a disaster
* To a Q on his experience of Press freedom he rambled on about his long experience, hinting darkly, that he could be more negative but for not wanting to frighten young 'journos' & his thick skin.

* Asked about India's standing in the world he
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Mar 14th 2023
🔴Thread: Indian Right Wing Think Tanks

In the Book Saffron Republic by @ChatterjiAngana. Thomas Blom Hansen examines the role of right-wing think tanks in shaping and promoting the ideology of #Hindutva in India.
The chapter argues that think tanks like the #RSS and its affiliates have played a critical role in the mainstreaming of #Hindutva ideology in Indian politics and society. These think tanks have provided a platform for the articulation and dissemination of #Hindutva ideas...,
...and have helped to build a network of activists and supporters who promote the ideology through various means. It argues that the #BJP has been successful in implementing #Hindutva policies and initiatives through its of the #Indian government, and that the think tanks...
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Jul 27th 2020
@OmarAbdullah #kashmiris know all this and if you do not go with what our people want and that is #KashmirDemandsSelfDetermination
#KashmirRight2SelfDetermination you and your ilk will not be accepted and continue to be recognised as a #Collabarator of the occupying force .
I recall when I was young and met sheikh sahib after my and only visit to #Pakistan in 1980 to attend a cousin marriage he accepted the mistake of choosing #India and completely proved by what #India did on 5th August 2019 and his justification was 1971 debacle which led him to
1975 debacle after the 1947 . Your father in 1996 did the same when we were loosing youth everyday and again opted for #IndianDemocracy which is proved once again as you people where looking for autonomy and he did not get that as that was treated as tissue paper in #DelhiDarbar
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