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Aug 18th 2020
Denial of scientific evidence and rejection of scientific methods is increasingly pervasive - in a new paper, written with Simon Attwood, @JosBarlow & @benphalan and available here:…, we describe the creeping rise of #ExtinctionDenial
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The @IPBES #GlobalAssessment Report published last year was met with considerable pushback and denial from media and political voices… for whom #TransformativeChange & policy options to restore & protect #Biodiversity are anathema 2/8
Subsequently, articles challenging the scientific consensus that threats to biodiversity viewed at a global level (rather than cherry-picked local level) require urgent attention have become increasingly common e.g. recently… and… 3/8
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May 25th 2019
Nach Lektüre des Klimapapiers der @FDP_Liberalen…: Will niemandem unterstellen. Aber ein paar Missverständnisse gibt es zu klären (1/12):
Z. 3-4: Klima und Artenschwund "eine bedeutende Herausforderung": wenn man @IPCC_CH #SR15 oder @IPBES #GlobalAssessment gelesen hat, kann man das nur als verharmlosend bezeichnen. (2/12)
Z 35: THG-Emissionen müssen "bis zweite Jahrhunderthälfte auf netto null". Seit @IPCC_CH #SR15 wissen wir: um Ziele des #ParisAgreement zu erreichen spätestens 2050, und reiche Länder müssen nach PA wie nach UNFCCC vorangehen. (3/12)
Read 12 tweets
May 21st 2019
I’ve done more press in the past couple of weeks than I’ve done…ever. By a lot. And it mostly went well! HUGE thanks to some amazing teachers and role models. This thread is a few thoughts, tips, & reflections following the @IPBES #GlobalAssessment media blitz #SciComm [1/10]
All those years of #SciComm training paid off! I’m most grateful for the role playing, so I could see how I came across and adapt. Take training opportunities – you want this drilled into you so you can do it without thinking when the time comes [2/10]
The @IPBES media team prepped us really well, both with clear key messages and practice.
I know I should write out and practice my key messages ahead of time.
Apparently I really should write and practice key messages.
It works. #SciComm [3/10]
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May 10th 2019
This week's #GlobalAssessment on biodiversity warns that 1 million species face extinction due to human activity. Invasive species are cited as a main threat, as they move to new habitats, effectively tipping the scales & threatening native species. (1/4) Image
#InvasiveSpecies are considered one of the most dangerous threats to marine ecosystems worldwide, second only to habitat loss. Since the 1900s, scientists have documented a 20% decline in native species due to their impacts! #FridayFact (2/4) Image
Scientists say #InvasiveSpecies impacts will worsen as climate change allows shipping routes to open in places like the Arctic. They predict international shipping could increase between 240% & 1,209% by 2050 – creating new travel routes for many #HullFouling organisms. (3/4) Image
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May 8th 2019
[1] Let me explain it for you in this thread. @IUCNRedList and their many partner organisations have been producing detailed assessments of species extinction risk in different taxonomic groups since 1994 (when the first comprehensive #RedList assessment of birds came out)
[2] Obviously we can't be at all sure that birds are typical, so it would have been wildly unsafe to go from "14% of birds are threatened" to "14% of all species are threatened". Since then, @IUCNRedList assessments have been done for an ever-expanding set of taxonomic groups...
[3] ...with the proportion threatened ranging from ~9% for bony fishes up over 60% for cycads. But the *average* level of threat has started to settle down now, at about 25%, and we now have estimates for lots of different vertebrate, invertebrate and plant groups...
Read 14 tweets
May 6th 2019
The #IPBES7 #GlobalAssessment sounds an important alarm. At @TheWCS we have solutions to address it. Image
We must protect #intactforests🌲🌲

Forests are #biodiversity strongholds for 2/3 of all land-based plants and animals.

Plus, this a powerful and cost-effective solution to combat #climatechange. #IPBES7 #GlobalAssessment… Image
In the ocean, we seek to safeguard coral species, reverse the decline of sharks and rays, steward the recovery of marine mammals and expand marine protected areas. #IPBES7 #GlobalAssesment… Image
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May 6th 2019
Aujourd’hui, l’@IPBES a rendu public son #GlobalAssessment.
Quels sont les points marquants ? Que peuvent-ils indiquer en termes d’action ?
Une analyse de @Laurans_IDDRI et @AleksRankovic à lire ici 👉… (1/5) Image
#IPBES #GlobalAssessement : le rapport montre que l’effondrement de la #biodiversité est en premier lieu dû aux changements d’utilisation des sols occasionnés par l’#agriculture. (2/5) Image
#IPBES #GlobalAssessement : les progrès politiques enregistrés concernent surtout l’adoption de textes, dont l’application fait défaut, ce qui plaide pour transférer une partie de l’attention politique vers leur mise en œuvre concrète. (3/5)
Read 6 tweets

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