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Jun 7th 2022
So, this dumb Counterpunch thing leads me to a story about working for the Navy. It's a story about challenging conventional wisdom, and how the military can be both good and bad about that. Mostly, it's a positive thing, even if it realllllly pissed me off when it happened. /1
Almost ten years ago, I wrote a book called "No Use," about nukes. It was a pretty hard critique of U.S. nuclear policy, which I said had become reflexively dependent on nukes as a kind of placeholder for strategy and hadn't let go of stupid ideas about nuclear conflict. /2
I called for unilateral reductions, minimum deterrence, de-alerting, all that stuff that nuclear hawks really, really hate. I also called for a conventional increases so that we could make real threats against rogue proliferators instead of dumb "we'll nuke you" hand-waves. /3
Read 11 tweets
Jan 9th 2020
⚡️With America locked in a global face-off w Iran, @PaulRieckhoff breaks down the latest w his trademark independence, experience, & humor. In Ep41, we approach the enormous stress of this precarious time in history w light, not heat. & @mazdackrassi:🎙⚡️ Image
⚡️Episode41 goes deep into the human side of the Iran/US relationship with one of the most successful Iran-American business and cultural leaders in America. @kanyewest called him “a visionary”. Meet @MazdackRassi:🇺🇸 🇮🇷🎙⚡️ Image
“@mazdackrassi, what makes you angry?” The powerful, fun and inspiring conversation with @PaulRieckhoff is at now. If you’re not angry, you’re not paying attention. #IYNAYNPA
Read 401 tweets
Dec 10th 2018
When @intheMatrixxx and @Cordicon collide, it’s magical.
“In 1909 we lost everything.”
According to the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, the 1910 Jekyll Island meeting resulted in draft legislation for the creation of a U.S. central bank.
Parts of this draft (the Aldrich plan) were incorporated into the 1913 Federal Reserve Act.
Read 54 tweets

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