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Jun 27th 2020
Un lien entre vitamine D et #coronavirus ?
👉 Les causes de carence (surpoids, vieillesse, peau foncée, manque d'ensoleillement en hiver et confinement strict) augmentent les risques de développer les formes sévères du #COVID__19.
Les carences en vitamine D ne semblent pas pouvoir expliquer seules la surmortalité des personnes de couleur face au #COVID__19.
👉Sur les 119 décès de soignants au Royaume-Uni, 94% étaient noirs, asiatiques ou d'autres minorités.
🌐Quand les Décodeurs défendent l'efficacité sanitaire du confinement aveugle et policier malgré les signes évidents de son échec.
Pour quelle autre raison les pays qui ont confiné sans séparer les infectés des autres observent la pire mortalité au monde ?…
Read 15 tweets
Jun 26th 2020
Analyse critique de l'étude observationnelle rétrospective (Lagier et al.) sur 3 737 participants de l'IHU de Marseille :
conclusions favorables à l'#hydroxychroloquine + azithromycine mais risque de biais élevé

Explications ⤵️
1- Le biais de confusion est sérieux ici à cause de la non-comparabilité initiale des deux groupes HCQ+AZ et other treatments sur l'âge, les comorbidités, les symptômes rapportés, les scans des poumons

Le groupe Other Treatments est plus à risque d'aggravation de la maladie
Explication sur les facteurs de confusion :

Les auteurs ont essayé de contrôler ces facteurs de confusion a posteriori avec des ajustements sur le "comorbidity index" qui comprend l'âge et le score de sévérité des symptômes NEWS
Read 19 tweets
Jun 8th 2020
Case Study: Dharavi, Mumbai
(1/2) Asia's largest slum is #flatteningthecurve. Doubling in 44 days. 51% recovery, 4% mortality. No death in last 6 days. <20 cases/d. Thread
#Mumbai #MumbaiFightsCovid19
2/2: 'Mission Dharavi' by @mybmc was implemented across the slum. Strong #publichealth measures - Screening by fever camps, private clinic were effective tool to screen 3.6 lakh people out of 8 lakhs. Same strategy could have been applied to entire #Mumbai to reduce no. of cases.
BMC rolled out massive dosages of #Hydroxychloroquine across the slum as prophylaxis to prevent the infection. This might also contributed in early halt of #COVID19 in Dharavi. @MsAnaMcCarthy take a look at this thread. Success story from Asia's largest slum in Mumbai.
Read 9 tweets
May 28th 2020
[LT] A 17 h suivez en direct la webconférence "VIH et COVID-19 : Avancées et Incertitudes" avec Dr Jade Ghosn (Paris), Dr Gilles Peytavin (Paris), Pr François Raffi (Nantes)
François Raffin introduit la séance en évoquant les nombreuses avancées thérapeutiques. Il n'y a pas de sur-représentation des patients VIH parmi les personnes atteintes par la COVID-19.
Les pistes thérapeutiques sont représentées par les antiviraux mais aussi par les stéroïdes et les interleukines (corrigez moi si je me trompe).
Read 40 tweets
May 25th 2020
The Story so far...#DominicCummings (#DomCum) Tour 2020

19.03.20: The Prime Minister, #BorisJohnson makes a nationwide statement about #CoronaVirus aka #Covid19……

23.03.20: The Prime Minister, #BorisJohnson announces measures for a nationwide #UK #Lockdown as a response to contain #CoronaVirus aka #Covid19…
23.03.20: The Prime Minister addresses the nation once more.

"That is why we have given the clear instruction that people must stay at home – unless they have one of the reasons we have set out, & with your help we will slow the spread of the disease."…
Read 29 tweets
May 22nd 2020
Beaucoup vont éplucher la grosse étude observationnelle qui vient de sortir dans le @TheLancet sur 96.032 #COVID19 dont 14.888 traités avec l’#hydroxychroloquine ou la Chloroquine ± #azithromycine

L’étude est ici et c’est terrible...…
En résumé

ça ne marche pas sur le #COVID19 #SARSCoV2

Et surtout ça tue plus de patients ... et ça entraîne des effets cardiaques graves, surtout en association à un macrolide (comme l’azithromicyne) par comparaison avec le groupe contrôle.👇
1.868 patients ont reçu de la chloroquine, 3.783 chloroquine + macrolide, 3.016 hydroxychloroquine, et 6.221 hydroxychloroquine + macrolide (dit protocole R.)
81.144 patients étaient dans le groupe controle.
10 698 (11.1%) patients sont décédés à l’hôpital.
Read 15 tweets
May 8th 2020
You’ve probably seen or heard about the #PlandemicDocumentary video. It reaches many conclusions that have zero scientific support and are dangerous because they could harm your health. Here are rebuttals and references to just a few of the false claims. A thread. (1/x)
False claim #1: The novel #coronavirus was lab-made.

Truth: Genetic science allows us to understand how and when viruses emerge. Analyses by trusted scientists clearly demonstrates that the virus occurred naturally. (2/x)
You can read the scientific paper@K_G_Andersen @scrippsresearch; @arambaut; W. Ian Lipkin; @ColumbiaMSPH; @edwardcholmes; & Robert F. Garry @Tulane here (3/x)…,
Read 20 tweets
Apr 22nd 2020
Jacob Glanville @CurlyJungleJake - one of the stars of Netflix documentary Pandemic may have something to gain from his statement about #hydroxychroloquine on the @DrPhil
James Cannizzaro's account of using #hydroxychloriquine with #COVID19 on the @DrPhil show he had no bad symptoms of the meds that helped him yet 2 doctors did not 100% support the use of the medication even though more an more doctors are coming forward saying it works!
90% of people who are n the hospital are going to recover? Where are u getting your data? #s don't seem to reflect that in new york 1 study n France says meds arent affective what about the American doctors who have came out sayin its affective? #COVID19 @CurlyJungleJake @DrPhil
Read 3 tweets
Apr 22nd 2020
Panel de expertos del NIH (National Institutes of Health) recomienda no usar #hydroxychroloquine más azitromicina, excepto en un entorno de ensayo clínico.
El NIH incluye 27 Institutos y Centros y es un componente del Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).
• El Panel de Guías de Tratamiento de COVID-19 no recomienda el uso de ningún agente para la profilaxis previa a la exposición (PrEP) contra el SARS-CoV-2fuera del marco de un ensayo clínico ( AIII).
Read 14 tweets
Apr 7th 2020
USA wants #hydroxychloriquine urgently from India

India Govt in return asked

➡️Unrestricted Access to USA market for its Pharma companies
➡️Lift all bans levied by US FDA
➡️FDA will not harass Indian Pharma companies henceforth

USA accepted all demands in 24 hours
Its a source based info ... source which I can't reveal so you can trust the news as per your perception.

But yes all pharma stocks on fire going up by 10-15% and all do not manufacture #Hydroxychloroquine
Best day for Pharma index since May 2009 . Highest one day rise
Read 5 tweets
Jan 9th 2020
⚡️With America locked in a global face-off w Iran, @PaulRieckhoff breaks down the latest w his trademark independence, experience, & humor. In Ep41, we approach the enormous stress of this precarious time in history w light, not heat. & @mazdackrassi:🎙⚡️ Image
⚡️Episode41 goes deep into the human side of the Iran/US relationship with one of the most successful Iran-American business and cultural leaders in America. @kanyewest called him “a visionary”. Meet @MazdackRassi:🇺🇸 🇮🇷🎙⚡️ Image
“@mazdackrassi, what makes you angry?” The powerful, fun and inspiring conversation with @PaulRieckhoff is at now. If you’re not angry, you’re not paying attention. #IYNAYNPA
Read 401 tweets

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