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Dec 4th 2022
1/ Dear Helio #Guardians, the team understands that the past few days have been extremely difficult.

As the situation is changing and dynamic, we would like to provide an update on our plan to recover the peg.
2/ Firstly, the team has already started our peg recovery process for $HAY, and this process is expected to be completed by Tuesday, December 6th UTC +4.

We expect HAY to be re-pegged, or at the very least, be close to the $1 mark.
3/This will be done by repurchasing the excess HAY in the market and sending it to a burn address.

We will also be providing the burn address in time to come for the purpose of transparency.
Read 7 tweets
Oct 25th 2022
Kevin Bacon enters the MCU canon in the first teaser for the #GuardiansoftheGalaxy Holiday Special
Fans also get the first look at a young adult Groot in the new #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyHolidaySpecial teaser Image
In #GuardiansoftheGalaxy lore, Star-Lord reveres Kevin Bacon and his work in #Footloose. The #Guardians decide to meet Bacon as a way to give Star-Lord some holiday cheer, as he is mourning the loss of Gamora in the new holiday special Image
Read 5 tweets
Feb 4th 2022
Joe West's first two ejections, September 8, 1977 of Steve Henderson & Joe Torre. (NYDN 9/9/77). #MLB #Mets
Joe [expletive deleted] West's third and fourth ejections, also of the Mets, Joe Torre and Bobby Valentine on July 27, 1978. (NYDN, 7/28/78) #MLB #Mets
Herman Franks was the victim of Joe West's fifth ejection on August 7, 1978. #Cubs #MLB
Read 126 tweets
Jul 23rd 2021
So the @MLB team Cleveland are changing their name from the @Indians to the #Guardians.

As a Native journalist that has covered sports and Native mascots for years -- I am so glad to say goodbye to the horrendous image of #ChiefWahoo

Here are my thoughts in a #thread
First for historical reference and some history - here is one of my previous stories:

Since 1928 - A Pictorial History of the Cleveland Indians and Chief Wahoo Logos…

by @VinceSchilling
And here is one more:

Wahoo was a Yankee? 7 Surprising Facts About the Cleveland Indians and Chief Wahoo…

By @VinceSchilling
Read 11 tweets
Dec 19th 2020

CHRISTIE: Donald, if you pardon your kids, they will be forced to testify against you. And they will. You've trained them to be selfish. You know them. They would bury you. You cannot be this stupid. It would be the dumbest thing you could do.


BARR: What idiot suggested you should pardon your kids? Was it Hannity? Don't tell me you're listening to Giuliani again? Hasn't he gotten you into enough trouble?


IVANKA: Daddy, don't pardon anyone who is not family. Not Manafort, not Giuliani and gosh, not that vile creep Stephen Miller. The more you pardon, the more there will be investigations. Keep pardons just within the family, Daddy.

Read 36 tweets

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