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Mar 25th 2023

1. Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior, The Son Of God, The Way, The Truth, and The Life. There is only One God.
2. The Rainbow represents a promise, not a perversion. #TakingTheRainbowBack
3.Progressivism is the twisting of truth and an instrument of the devil.
4. God created the Male and Female. Just because the concepts of multiple genders has existed in Ancient times doesn't make it true. Just like saying the Jews are a rejected people. It is simply not true. (2/6)
5. Homosexuality is a sin. Do not think that God does not love you. He loves you so much, but He loves you too much to let you keep sinning. I ask any who are homosexual, please repent and turn to Christ. He loves you and wants to be with you! (3/6)
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