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Jan 21st 2021
La info de ayer te desperto el bichito de meterte en #ciberseguridad? ¿Querés ser hacker? te cuento un poco de como arranque y algunos consejos para que logres progreso y te vayas enamorando. En el hilo anterior mencione aprender de sistemas operativos. Acá hay principalmente 2
Sé que estas pensando! sí! #Mac y #Windows, pero NO. Me refiero a #linux y a #windows. otro día hablamos de Mac. Es importante que conozcas a detalle como funcionan estos sistemas operativos. Para esto te podes bajar #virtualbox y crear dentro una virtual machine con un @ubuntu
y otra con #windows10 o el que tengas licencia. Hay que entender como funciona por dentro, cual es el tipo de file system que utiliza cada uno, porque se utilizan permisos, que tipo de archivos hay en cada directorio, que hacen esos archivos? cuales son ejecutables y cuales
Read 16 tweets
Aug 14th 2020
Australian Government Corruption Scandals
#RubyPrincess & @PeterDutton_MP Thread: 1/17
Australian Government Corruption Scandals
#NCCC & Neville Power @FortescueNews 2/17
Australian Government Corruption Scandals
#SportsRorts & @senbmckenzie 3/17
Read 18 tweets
Apr 19th 2019
1/ This is a MEGATHREAD. 👇🏻

That's not a Jamaican Doom Metal band name. It's a list of LNP issues & scandals for:


I’d like to present evidence to show they’re voting against their interests.

Please Distribute & RT. #auspol #ausvotes19
2/ If you hate your internet, it’s entirely LNP fault. The Labor NBN fibre to the premise model was world class. It was hobbled by Turnbull to serve Rupert Murdoch. The lost productivity / opportunity cost for Australia is likely TRILLIONS. #NBNfail…
3/ If you are a woman LNP voter - Why? What the heck? LNP have a huge issue with women. Their best PM candidate was not considered for the role and that’s why Julie Bishop quit, among many others. Add your examples in comments. #auspol #ausvotes19…
Read 25 tweets
Apr 14th 2019
Huh? I deliberately did NOT Retweet the @AngusTaylorMP allegation thread because the allegations were unsourced. What’s going on, Angus?
2. Here’s the full letter from @AngusTaylorMP lawyers sent to @NoFibs which falsely claimed I tweeted a thread on allegations against him.
3. Wondering if a lawyer Tweep would agree to act for me pro bono to sort out this mess? I believe I did not Tweet or RT the thread in question.
Read 236 tweets
Mar 28th 2019
A Minister can retire from politics, take up a position related to former portfolio and politicians acting in their own personal interest all while the Crimes Act limits public servants talking about matters of which they were aware during their employment. #APS #auspol
Whistleblower PID disclosures don't cover info about politicians, law enforcement mostly refers to another agency, privileges committee is set up to protect politicians. How can ordinary people counteract these failures in governance and accountability without breaking a law?
What about reports of political interference eg. #Helloworld contract incl input by a former polllie who is a large shareholder. Is there an ongoing investigation? It's up to agencies to refer to law enforcement ie. @AusFedPolice who should be able to investigate unhindered.
Read 4 tweets
Feb 26th 2019
At the teach-in, "A.I. can't fix this: MIT, imperialism, and the future of A.I." #helloworld
Sally haslanger: we have to push back against plutocracy in the University. Who gets to decide the research agenda? Why should billionaires decide?
Elena sobrino: MIT never divested from apartheid South Africa, despite students organizing shantytowns and protests.
Read 25 tweets
Feb 22nd 2019
Journalists have been taught they will appear biased if they’re too critical of just one side of politics. So what they do is say ‘Liberals did XYZ wrong and Labor also did XYZ wrong’. But what if Liberals did 100 times more ‘wrong’ than Labor? False balance. A thread👇🏻
The most famous and damaging example of this false balance in recent times has been the US election coverage of Trump’s numerous scandals given equal and often less coverage than the only scandal Clinton was responsible for - private emails.
What this false balance does is make the private emails scandal appear more important than all the Trump scandals put together - it means the reality of he Trump scandals is misrepresented in order for journalists to maintain the appearance of ‘balanced’ coverage.
Read 24 tweets

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