Sydney film maker @squig_ did a launch video for him pro bono, what can you do to rattle @AngusTaylorMP?
I was right - I did NOT tweet the thread.
But Angus is right too - the tweet appeared on my timeline.

I don’t recall, but I would have deleted it as soon as I saw it because I deliberately did not tweet the thread in question...
So the question arises - can Tweeps be sued for an auto tweet they deleted upon seeing? The mind BOGGLES!
This is now a test for the Press Gallery - can it extract detailed answers from Barnaby & Angus to the questions raised?
#NewEnglandVotes #HumeVotes
Vote 1 @adamblakester
First mention of #Watergate on the ABC.
1. FALSELY states all documents released (several redacted)
2. FALSELY blames SHORTEN for publicising scandal
3. Press Gallery AGAIN betrays voters - won’t focus
4. They AGAIN don’t tweet it, AGAIN @Qldaah does the job.
A @MichaelWestBiz scoop.

Wonder when the actual water minister and the actual National Party leader will say something?
My add - who are the financial beneficiaries of the Cayman Island holding company?

Joint statement:-

Love it when Twitter owns the story, and pro and citizen journos work out the truth together. We know the Govt won’t tell us. #Watergate
@adamblakester @burgewords
He standing for one the nation’s safest National Party seats. #BiharRejectsModi #IndependentsDay #ClimateElection #ausvotes
Did you try to find out who was selling the water, where the money would go? He refuses to answer.
#Watergate #RNDrive
Decision wrong? Barnaby won’t answer, says Labor bought money off same people. So refuses to answer.
Who benefitted in the company? Yet another pivot, does not answer the ? Yet HE KNOWS NOW!
#Watergate #RNDrive
Says that if who gets the cash is relevant, it’s relevant for Labor too. #Watergate #RNDrive
Says he asked questions before signing off on the deal but he won’t say what they were.
#Watergate #RNDrive
Says QUEENSLAND should have told him it was ‘a trust account in the Caymans’.
Any beneficiaries linked to Govt? Won’t answer.
#Watergate #RNDrive
Says “I don’t care” if all docos are released.
#Watergate #RNDrive
UTTERLY BRILLIANT @PatsKarvelas interview - asked straight questions, got enraged non answers in return and asked again.
@michaelwest on now.
#Watergate #RNDrive
News voters can use!
And please Vote 1 @adamblakester at #NewEnglandVotes
@GuardianAus well placed with Anne, former @smh investigative star & @gabriellechan, #rustedoff country Australia expert
#CowperVotes Nationals candidate @patconaghan1 silent on #Watergate - why?
Barnaby & water minister @D_LittleproudMP hold a water forum in Tamworth from midday - @TonyHWindsor to attend.
Big day at #NewEnglandVotes!
Please live tweet using #Watergate & #NewEnglandVotes
We need a #federalicac!
won’t the Govt release? Oh, the independent valuations and the due diligence report on the company. Thanks, @Senator_Patrick. #afternoonbriefing
@Tony_Burke says Labor will announce details of inquiry if Labor wins #ausvotes tomorrow. Problem: unlike all other buybacks, Labor & Liberal, “This transaction does not make sense.”
This buyback is unique, he says. No other water minister, Labor or Liberal, behaved in this way.
Need an inquiry to find out mystery beneficiaries of a no tender decision to OTT pay for low quality water.
He says Labor’s judicial inquiry is effectively the same as a Royal Commission in terms of powers. An audit can’t compel questioning of Barnaby or find out the secret beneficiaries of Cayman Islands company. #RNDrive
Reason: The Govt has refused to release all docos as demanded.
So the Govt’s #Watergate cover up succeeds unless Labor wins office.
@RobOakeshott1 #Cowpervotes
@HelenHaines1 #IndiVotes
@Mack4Farrer #FarrerVotes

Will press gallery keep asking the big questions till answered, & ask @D_LittleproudMP why he won’t release key docos like independent valuation & due diligence report?
@HelenHaines1 #IndiVotes
@RobOakeshott1 #CowperVotes
@Mack4Farrer #FarrerVotes
#FarrerVotes #MalleeVotes
I’ve changed my mind on Labor’s limited judicial inquiry - we need a Royal Commission into the entire MD plan operation. It STINKS.