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Oct 11th 2022
Here's a thread on PLG,🧵
1) What is Product Led Growth (PLG) & strategies?
2) Debunking some Myths of PLG?
3) why PLG is biggest Trend in SaaS?
4) Growth Tactics?
5) what can we do for PLG?

@Amplitude_HQ @mixpanel @Airmeet @WebEngage @Meesho_Official @gopracticeio @YourStoryCo
1) Product-led growth (PLG) is a business methodology in which user acquisition, expansion, conversion, and retention are all driven primarily by the product itself.

The product becomes a revenue & retention source of its own, driving deeper engagement with users.
Read 15 tweets
Sep 28th 2022
Week 2 contd.. in Insurjo'22 by @TheProductfolks

We had session by @wanderer08 on "Automating High Quality User Engagement".

Hosts: @MotwaniSuhas @adityamohanty_

#TheProductFolks #10DaysOfProdMan #Day6 #IAmTeamInsurjo #insurjo22 #product #productmanagement #Insurjodocs Image
1) What is User Engagement & How Product Growth & Marketing affect it?
2) What are Notifications? Types?
3) Methods of User Engagement with Automation.
4) Key Takeaways.

@Amplitude_HQ @mixpanel @Airmeet @WebEngage @Meesho_Official @gopracticeio @YourStoryCo
1) User engagement measures whether users find value in a product or service. It's measured by a variety or combination of activities such as downloads, clicks, shares.
- Product Marketing focus on creating pre-sale value.
- Growth marketing focus on post-sales value creation. ImageImage
Read 13 tweets
Sep 26th 2022
Week 2 Insurjo'22 at @TheProductfolks Kickstarted with session on Fireside Chat "Privacy on Internet" with @pdolanjski from @DuckDuckGo
Small thread🧵 on important thing.

#TheProductFolks #10DaysOfProdMan #Day5 #IAmTeamInsurjo #insurjo22 #product #productmanagement #Insurjodocs Image
1) How are online behaviour Monitored & Targeted?
2) How @DuckDuckGo operates on User privacy?
3) what are pseudo-anonymous & anonymous data?
4) How PM's maintain User privacy with products?

@Amplitude_HQ @mixpanel @Airmeet @WebEngage @Meesho_Official @gopracticeio @YourStoryCo
1) Behavioral Targeting is an online targeting technique that uses information collected about an individual’s web-browsing history, such as the pages they have visited or the searches they have made, to select which advertisements to display. Image
Read 12 tweets
Sep 12th 2022
Product Management 🧵 Thread on week 0.

From @lennysan's newsletter & his podcasts, @TheProductfolks Kicked off the sessions for Insurjo'22 with a bang - @MotwaniSuhas & @SmarthVasdev - Thanks for this.

#TheProductFolks #10DaysOfProdMan #Day1 #IAmTeamInsurjo #product #learning Image
what was it all about PM and why & How & who should get started these were some of the main things discussed during the session.

1) PM definition?
2) what is the core skill needed for bieng a PM ?
3) How to break into product management ?
4) PM thoughts by Lenny.
5) Takeaways.
- PM's definition according to @lennysan from his experience with @Airbnb is One who makes everything better & makes everyone's job easier. ImageImage
Read 9 tweets

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