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May 18th 2020
Yesterday the EU Delegation in #Iraq along with the embassies of the UK & Canada raised the rainbow flag in Baghdad to mark #IDAHOBIT2020 sparking outrage and bewilderment.

Here are some thoughts on why this was a cynical rather than a principled act:
Scholars of gender & sexuality who use a postcolonial lens in their analysis have written extensively on how LGBT rights are being employed to entrench new hierarchies and power dynamics in international relations
Jasbir K. Puar has coined the term “homonationalism” to describe the setting in which “the right to, or quality of sovereignty is now evaluated by how a nation treats its homosexuals” – something we see played out very clearly in Israel’s pinkwashing
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May 17th 2020
Ελέω ημέρας #IDAHOBIT2020 Εργαζόμουν πριν χρόνια σε μεγάλη εταιρία πληροφορικής. Μία μέρα έρχεται νέα συνάδελφος προγραμματίστρια. Ας (1/9)
τη πούμε Χριστίνα. Από το παρουσιαστικό και μόνο καταλάβανες πως η κοπέλα είχε κάνει εγχείρηση αλλαγής φύλου στο παρελθόν. Δεν (2/9)
ασχολήθηκα ποτέ με το συγκεκριμένο θέμα. Ούτε ρώτησα, ούτε σχολίασα ούτε κουτσομπόλεψα. Δεν υπήρχε λόγος να το κάνω άλλωστε, δεν ήταν (3/9)
Read 9 tweets
May 17th 2020
Gather around, beautiful souls! It's reading time. If you're looking for recommended reads about #Feminism #WomensRights & #Africa to your #SundayReads list, you've come to the right place: #EyalaReads starts here and now!
I'm grateful to @Asmaaouu for curating a great list of non #COVID19 related articles and op-eds by African #feminist writers and activists. A welcome breath of fresh air.
Read on @AfriFeminists:
#EyalaReads #SundayReads
Today is International Day against Homophopia, Transphobia and Biphobia, and @TheRustinTimes is celebrating voices of queer people from Nigeria who dare to #BreakTheSilence.

#ChooseLoveNigeria #IDAHOBIT2020 #EyalaReads #SundayReads
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May 17th 2020
A list of Africa authored queer books I would highly recommend. Happy reading 🎊🏳️‍🌈
To more holiday celebrations with books.💃🥂
#IDAHOBIT2020 #BreakingTheSilence #rainbowreads #africanlitterature #africanreads
1. The Hairdresser of Harare by Tendai Huchu Image
2. Freshwater by Akwaeke Emezi
I once read a review of this book that said, once you read it, it will linger and you will think about it time and time again. How right it was. 💃💃
#IDAHOBIT2020 #BreakingTheSilence Image
3. Under the Udala Trees by Chinelo Okparanta
We live to fight another day. Image
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