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May 17th 2021
Aprovechando que hoy es Día de la Lucha contra la Homofobia, Lesbofobia, Transfobia y Bifobia, les traigo algunos datos (preliminares, hace falta trabajarlos más) sobre la comunidad a partir del cuestionario ampliado del Censo 2020.
#DiaInternacionalContraLGTBIfobia #IDAHOBIT2021
Primero, no podemos identificar a las personas trans. El encuestador registra lo que le responden cuando pregunta si alguien es hombre o mujer. Un hombre trans es hombre y una mujer trans es mujer, y así queda registrado.
Segundo, no hay manera de saber la orientación sexual de las personas porque no hay una pregunta para ello. Lo mejor que podemos hacer es observar hogares con pareja jefa de familia del mismo o diferente sexo.
Read 16 tweets
May 17th 2021
Here's the agenda for this evening's council meeting, which begins at 7pm. Get the full package here, watch live at, or follow along here 👇
Council is reconvening in open session, following an earlier closed meeting (which started at 5pm).

Mayor Armstrong begins with a moment's reflection for the #IDAHOBIT2021, and he talks about inclusion and feeling welcome.
Coun Hallman reads the land acknowledgment. A modified version has been read by the women councillors at recent meetings, and it reflects the fact that the meeting is virtual. Coun Hallman also refers to #IDAHOBIT.
Read 61 tweets
May 17th 2021
1./ Someone asked me today if I was marking #IDAHOBIT2021. Seriously!? Here's why this daft sounding day against homophobia, transphobia and who knows what else phobia is a useless backslapping exercise and a perfect example of the trap the LGBTQ+ movement has locked itself in.
2./ Remember when gay people used to be quite good at this marketing game? Now we're associated with an international day that has the general public sniggering and guffawing since it conjures up nothing more than a certain movie filmed in New Zealand.👇
3./ Ironically, like the title of that trailer IDAHOBIT has gone on an Unexpected Journey of its own. Dreamed up by Lesbian & Gay groups in 2004, May 17th was chosen because that was the day in 1990 when @WHO dropped HOMOSEXUALITY from its list of diseases. Remember the H word?
Read 25 tweets
May 17th 2021
There is no liberation without queer, gender, and sexual liberation.

For #IDAHOBIT, reposting this from March 6, 2020, when dear friend #Egyptian drag queen Ana Masreya invited me to speak at her show Nefertitties. It was just before our lockdown in #NYC.
May 17 is International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia, and Transphobia.
📷 @theyouthpact
The club in Brooklyn that night in 2020 was full of queer people from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, Morocco, Jordan. And on stage with Ana Masreya were Mexican queen Koko Rokoko and Palestinian queen Eva Laurent. It was 🔥🔥🔥

Thank you ana_toumeh for 🎥
Read 4 tweets
May 17th 2021
Legislation still exists today that limit and disenfranchise people based on whom they love.
Today is International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. Time for change!!
To ensure equality throughout Europe, we need to maintain and build a stronger European Union based on human rights and democracy - this is what Volt is striving for: a strong union for ALL citizens!
This requires political 💪 and 💜…
At national level, here in Denmark, we will continue to push for equality and representation in our administrative systems and within our laws!…
Read 6 tweets
May 17th 2021
Ich möchte den heutigen #IDAHOBIT nutzen, um noch einmal auf Mittwoch aufmerksam zu machen: Es geht um die Abschaffung des TSG und die Einführung eines Selbstbestimmungsgesetzes in Deutschland. Die Grünen, FDP und Linke sind aktuell dafür; die Union und AfD dagegen.
Die SPD wäre gerne dafür (jedenfalls laut eigener Aussagen), aber kann es angeblich nicht in der Abstimmung zeigen, weil Koalitionszwang. Schickes Wort. Doch was bedeutet das eigentlich?
In meinem Verständnis muss die SPD sich an den Koalitionsvertrag halten.
Hier wird argumentiert, man könne nicht für den Entwurf stimmen, weil die CDU dagegen stimmen wird. Das ist eine doppelte Ausrede, da erstens eine solche Pflicht nirgends steht und zweitens im K.-Vertrag vermerkt ist, dass eine Verbesserung der Situation queerer Menschen erreicht
Read 11 tweets

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