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Jun 22nd 2019

Prosecutors rebut Roger Stone:

📌U.S. caught RU elex hackers red handed.

Prosecutors reveal in new STONE case filing that they have plenty of evidence showing GRU officers hacked the DNC, published the docs & transferred files to Wikileaks”(Org 1)


Gov’t investigators independently verified that RU operatives hacked the DNC in 2016 & did not rely on Crowdstrike’s findings.

2017 Chat logs btwn MANAFORT & HANNITY unsealed in Manafort's DC case.

Logs reveal they believe their utterly cray conspiracy theories.

Hicks says Trump campaign felt â€˜relief’ from WikiLeaks release of hacked info damaging to Clinton

The RNC is paying Hicks's legal fees

Justice Dept review of intel in Russia probe fuels fears of politicization

Trump Nominates Mark Esper to Be SecDef.
Read 71 tweets
Feb 5th 2019
A #data informed look at how the #human experience of #lawyering has changed over time.

Just as #clients need better #value propositions, #law firms need better business models. Meaningful #legal #transformation will occur where the two intersect.

H/T to @augierakow @robsaccone for the post #inspirelegal đŸ€“ email chain that #inspired this tweetable.

(Bc I’m a tweetable factory. đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž)
Another reaction to this @wihender post: we NEED to deal with #automation anxiety in #legal.

Legacy models of law practice aren’t built for the pace of #business and volume of #information of the #digital age.

More #hours from more #lawyers can’t be the default answer.
Read 12 tweets

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