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Feb 22nd 2021
#FASTag- Convenience or Money Matter?? - a thread for @NHAI_Official @MORTHIndia
1. On February 16th, govt implemented long pending FASTag in toll plazas across the country. FASTag is now mandatory for all existing vehicles on the road, & no new vehicle can be taken w/o (1 of 8)
2. FASTag in them.
What is FASTag - A reloadable tag which enables automatic deduction of toll & lets you pass through the toll plaza w/o stopping for cash. FASTag is linked to prepaid account frm which the applicable toll amount is deducted. (2/8)
3 . Now, how much does a FASTag cost – Initial cost is ₹500 – of which ₹100 is the service for the tag, ₹200 is refundable security deposit and ₹200 would be loaded into the tag for use at #TollPlazas. You can keep on reloading the wallet as per your travel plans. (3/8)
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Oct 13th 2020
Yesterday, we have witnessed the handing over of the 1st operational licence to the first full-fledged #InterestFree Bank #ZamZamBank which is a historic milestone in the #Ethiopia'n Banking industry. #IslamicBanking #IFB #FinancialInclusion
#ZamZam 1/n Image
After the promoters of #ZamZam initiated the idea to the #NBE a directive was issued in October 1, 2011 to allow conventional banks only to give the service along with their commercial services. The #NBE's decision has saddened many. 2/n

#InterestFreeBanking #FinancialInclusion Image
11 Banks has so far started the service in a window model. Currently, these banks combined has mobilized more than 60 Billion Birr in deposits through 5+ million accounts. It is a huge amount compared to the low attention & investment given to #IFB by all stakeholders. 3/n
Read 16 tweets

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