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Feb 14th 2019
As politicians are jockeying to save face with both their constituents and lobbyists, trading in the universally desired #MedicareForAll, for the #MedicareForMore slogan pushed by #neoliberals, I echo the words of my sister-in-arms @MuyMexi when I say the following; (1/X)
This should not be happening in the “greatest country in the world”. People should not be forced to choose between food and the table and insulin to treat their bodies for the food they are going to eat. #MedicareForAll removes that barrier for all people.…
I used to work for @Medtronic Diabetes Helpline, helping insulin patients troubleshoot their devices. One of the things I learned while working there is the extreme pain that #Diabetes patients have to subject themselves to, just to live a “Normal” life.
Read 9 tweets
Jan 12th 2019
I’ve been accused of being “sexist” for choosing to run against @KamalaHarris in 2022. This is my response to those claims;
1) I am a gay, black male who detests identity politics and everything it stands for. I do not want anyone to vote for me on the basis of either factor.
2) I am running against @KamalaHarris because it is my right under the U.S. Constitution. I am a United States citizen, who is a resident of California and I am exactly 30 years old as of this post.
3) Any differences I have with @KamalaHarris will be on the basis of policy as much as possible. That does not mean that my team and I will not hold her accountable. An elected official who should be comfortable with her constituents holding her accountable or she should resign.
Read 9 tweets
Jan 4th 2019
My team and I have been working on a bill for about a year. We’ve kept it quiet but I like to call it the “Alderman-Ramirez Criminal Justice Act” or #ARCJA. It will be a comprehensive Criminal Justice Reform package that will include at minimum the following and @KamalaHarris...
(2)...we hope that if you do defeat us in our election in 2022 that you will consider introducing this bill;
A- Funding for bodycams for all officers in US
B- Citizen advisory boards in all departments
C- Independent investigations of all police shooting-related fatalities...
(3)...D- Financial incentives for departments to begin using #communitypolicing models such as the one overseen by @GayleforCA in her time as mayor of Richmond.
E- Funding for police outreach programs like those out on by @ClovisPolice_CA and @Visaliapd...
Read 9 tweets

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