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Feb 3rd 2023

Was this #dogwalker a #whitewoman by any chance?

Because for the life of me, I do not get how all can ignore what happened to #myson #AmbroseGGBall in 8 solid years unless it was @MPSHaringey posting up all the wrong information, wrong days and dates,
the wrong locations, wrong description of clothing , the wrong Fox pub, all different times of the night, leaving out the vital information leading up to during and after my son went @missingpeople, did not response for 56 hours after all the calls myself and others had made over
Read 61 tweets
Oct 5th 2021
The funny thing is, I am absolutely bored when I listen to @StaffordScotty
But even funnier still is what @ADPAC6 has stated, #WeMatter when saying #Congratulations @ICALondon .

I hope you do not take me the wrong way as this is no way aimed at what ever work @ADPAC6 do as
I have never heard of you until I came across this tweet, however, the person you are talking of is not who you are placing on such a privileged respected level who many who have not been chased off over the years that #TonisArmy have been fighting for #justice4ambrose
and the #LovellTwins👩🏿‍🤝‍👩🏾 being the @ProductsSystem part of the exposed bogus @InquiryCSA set up by @theresa_may and @NSPCC @PeterWanless claiming to be dealing with historical @ChildJusticeInc @Lambeth_SA being one of the boroughs included in the #iicsa.
Read 20 tweets
Oct 5th 2021
@DGreenwoodLaw @KennedysLaw have denied the #LovellTwins👭🏾 Toni and her twin sister Gina a @fairtrials and denied the #compensation for their entire lives of @ChildRightsIRL denied them from babies and throughout their entire #childhoodtrauma
to be totally ignored by the @LawyersComm @NexusChambers #iicsa and #AlexisJay as @ShirleyOaksSA Raymond Stevenson added to the empty promises by telling Toni who is also fighting for #justice4ambrose her murdered son who still has a body in @haringeycouncil over 6
Read 9 tweets
Oct 5th 2021

Lets get #REAL .

@HumanRightsCtte has proved to never exist as I am sure many #VictimsOfDoubleJeopardy can confirm.

@CookPolitical @BBCPolitics #PoliticsLive can and will #NeverAgain will ever be trusted for as long as @UKParliament
that has continued to be ignored by @David_Cameron whose watch the ongoing #coverup of #TheTruth in the death of #AmbroseGGBall is addressed.

We no longer have #FaithNFreedoms that @WHO has to tell us while totally ignoring not only a body that still remains
Read 14 tweets
Oct 1st 2021
I am pleased to see you liking my tweet @ejthementor for that much, I thank you, however, as I hope you will fully agree that we need actions to answers as to why @MentalAbuseUK can still continue by the @InquiryCSA with many who have been on
#TwitterSpaces for at least the past decade on @TwitterRetweets with their opinions, suggestions, veiws, offers of comfort support and the set up of #IICSA by @NSPCC @PeterWanless and @theresa_may over 7 and a half years ago chaired by ex @swforchange #AlexisJay
who in fact has caused more harm and damage to the #VictimsOfDoubleJeopardy who suffered throughout their whole lives without being heard to be denied the same compensation that any @CSAQT who have been @voicing_csa for as long as the @productssystem aka #LovellTwins👭🏾 have been
Read 17 tweets
Sep 28th 2021

@ReportingLondon is there any reason why no one is paying attention to this case unless it's what @metpoliceuk have made #publicspeaking that since, the truth has been exposed but the #reporterscandal
surrounding @bbcwritersroom @BBCTwo @BBCStudiosDgtl @BBCStudiosPress @ctvc @clarehjohns and a documentary #thisistottenham aired a month before the @INQUEST_ORG started against the family's wishes as they made it known to all concerned.

including @DavidLammy who for I
can only think of one reason #DavidLammy would think Toni would just walk away from this is if he felt sure that she would not live long enough to tell her #Truth, because if this was any other parent who did not have all the #evidence that proves to his wife @NicolaGreenArt
Read 14 tweets
Apr 7th 2021
@BrokenandHere @MayaSikand @Daisy95601600 @BameFor
See @56BlackMen and #tonisarmy?? How deep this is and will go until they are brought to justice for this crime against all of us ,humanity...our kids will never have a chance ,in same way as they controlled this murder with their coverups they will try to cover your voice with
The media diversion #bbc are only there for metpolice and wrongdoings of pedophiles and the #RoyalFamily as we no it ..WHAT CHANCE A SINGLE WOMAN ON HER OWN HAS TO FIGHT THE WHOLE CORRUPTION OF THIS DISTURBING FORCE OF PEOPLE WE ARE MENT TO TRUST?
Read 13 tweets
Sep 19th 2020
You have to ask that question @gg_smithy.

There were untold witness's at the Fox pub on the night in question, but yet not one has ever found it in their hearts to come forward and tell what they saw.

What can be worse than a mother fighting for what they all know is the
truth but to just sit back and not come forward is unreal.

What about all the @metpoliceuk that were involved who knows @garymason479 Toni aka Ruth Lovell was calling for help as early as 8.30AM #SaturdayMorning @MetCC @MPSBarnet and @MPSColindale where the @UKMissingPerson
Read 7 tweets

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