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Dec 18th 2022
1/ Operational situation update/ #russian_invasion in #Ukraine on December 18, 2022
Special failed war of #RussianArmy is still on its way..
On the #Ukraine side of things Some fronts line are now "stabilized" but on other areas the Ru are having some minor success.
2/ Quick recap here, & maybe come back later on if needed.
first, about #Kupiansk #Svatove
the general FEBA (frontline) seems to have remain almost the same for the last month even if extremely violent combats happened in several areas & Ru trying to push #UAarmy hard almost
3/ everywhere where there is a possible road or path to go around #ZSU defense. clearly trying to overwhelmed them and push them back, past the #Oskil river in order to gain a major control of the area & be able to have strong natural defensive line.
well. their plan failed.
Read 30 tweets
Oct 24th 2022
SitRep - 24/10 - "Exactly 8 months ago it started"

The daily summary of the events of the war in #Ukraine. With today -finally again- a number of confirmed liberated villages by the AFU in the north of Ukraine.

Today exactly 8 months ago, Russia started the war.


We start like usual with enemy losses:

A higher uptake in men losses is recorded. Also slightly more armoured vehicles are seen captured or destroyed. This is in line with a lot of new footage coming out of either captured or damaged equipment.

For example these tanks and a MT-LB carrier captured by the AFU in the south.

Read 21 tweets

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