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Mar 22nd 2023
BREAKING: Privileges Committee releases partygate evidence.

Sky's @tamcohen gives her reaction to @KayBurley.


📺 Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube
'Was Boris Johnson being intentionally misleading... is the question most likely being put to the former Prime Minister today.'

Sky's @tamcohen and @KayBurley analyse the partygate evidence released before the inquiry this afternoon.


📺 Sky 501
'This is damaging because there was a suggestion from No. 10 staff that they felt the rules didn't apply to them'

Sky's @tamcohen discusses evidence published by MPs investigating whether Boris Johnson lied over partygate.

📺 Sky 501 / YouTube
Read 3 tweets
Mar 21st 2023
'This is a very worrying report... it's an upsetting read. You can't read this report and not be embarrassed and humbled'

Met Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley reacts to the damning review released today.


📺 Sky 501 and YouTube
'Do you accept the full findings of the report?'

Met Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley gives #KayBurley his thoughts on today's review criticising the police force.


📺 Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube
'The recommendations will influence our thinking and plans to reform policing for London'

Met Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley reflects on today's review, describing the force as 'institutionally racist, sexist and homophobic'


📺 Sky 501
Read 4 tweets
May 11th 2022

The National Institute of Economic and Social Research estimates 1.5 million British households, one in 20, will soon face bills for food and energy which will exceed their disposable income after housing costs.…
And still, "there will be no emergency budget", says #MichaelGove to #KayBurley

"To prevent a jump in poverty levels, the government must raise universal credit payments by £25 a week immediately while handing the 11.3m lowest-income households a one-off cash payment of £250, @NIESRorg said"…
Read 4 tweets
Oct 19th 2020
Hi @KayBurley,
You've generally been awesome in dealing with politicians on Coronavirus and I'm grateful to you.

But this Brexit interview with Robert Jenrick was simply unacceptable given the effect Brexit will have on our economic recovery & the politics to follow. #KayBurley
This is a 5 minute "blame the EU for everything" monologue.
This is simply facilitating propaganda @KayBurley.
Please see below for an explanation of what I said. By definition, we're the ones negotiating in bad faith. Yet you let him blame the EU.…
E.g. @NickFerrariLBC doesn't even claim to be a neutral journalist and even he was like a dog with a bone about the "Australian terms" line.

We are heading towards a very dark time in our country. We cannot let the anger be directed the wrong way.
Read 4 tweets
Sep 23rd 2020
Coming up on #KayBurley from 7am:

Health Sec @MattHancock joins us in the studio as the Govt finally launches its #covid contact tracing app. Is it a game changer in our fight against the pandemic?

What would you like me to ask Mr Hancock? Image
Also on @SkyNews from 7am

🌹@AnnelieseDodds enjoyed herself so much on Monday, she’s back again in the morning

🦠WHO special enjoy on the rise in #Covid cases across Europe

✈️@RyanairPress chief exec ~ airbridge latest

🍻Chief exec of UK hospitality ~ 10pm curfew

Also 👇
There’s more:

🩰 Dir of #royalballet -as the company returns to performing

🇺🇸 Dr Shola flying solo on the latest in US politics. @scottienhughes is on holiday


👨‍⚕️ @DrAlexGeorge returns to talk about student wellbeing. We cant wait to see him. 💜

Join us from 7am 🥞🍳
Read 5 tweets
Sep 22nd 2020
Just hearing @DominicRaab is on the programme tomorrow. Perhaps he’ll also invite me for Christmas. 🎄

Full line up coming after 6pm.

#kayburley #Covid19UK #lockdown Image
Also on the programme

🌹 @RachelReevesMP for Labour
✈️ @IrvAtLarge - latest on #covid airport testing
🍺 Fmr Govt chief whip - making #lockdownrules legal and impact on local pubs and restaurants - we’re in Cornwall
🐳 Checking on whales beached in Tasmania &
🦏 #WorldRhinoDay
Coming up on #KayBurley from 7am 👇
Read 4 tweets
Sep 14th 2020
Coming up on #KayBurley from 7am:

@pritipatel for Govt

Is there life on Venus - we speak to the scientist who says yes

Special report from the #amazon on fires choking the lungs of the planet

@paulajradcliffe - where you were a hunk, a chunk or a drunk during lockdown...
Also on the programme:

🐳 Three Humpback whales who’ve taken a wrong turn and are stranded in Darwin’s Alligator River 🐊

What have 👩‍✈️ been doing to pass the time during #lockdown...

👨‍⚕️ And our weekly appointment with the medic in #DoctorsOrders

See you tomorrow ☺️🍳🥞
I said ‘where’ and I meant ‘were’ and now I’m furious
Read 3 tweets
Sep 13th 2020
Coming up on #kayburley from 7am

🗣@kitmalthouse for the govt and @Ed_Miliband for 🌹
🗣Fmr NI Secretaries @PeterHain and #theresavilliers
6️⃣@BrewDog and #studentsunion on the #ruleofsix
🐶 fundraising challenges for @RSPCA_Frontline
💰 #MoneyMatters advice from our expert...
Also to come on the programme:

🔥 impact of #CaliforniaWildfires on Europe

@DawnButlerBrent - latest stop and search measures

Two families devastated by dangerous drivers tell us about new rules that could see convicted drivers sentenced to life

See you from 7am 🥞🍳
Those eagle-eyed amongst you would have noticed I initially tagged @DMiliband instead of @Ed_Miliband.

Apparently, their mum does it all the time... ☺️
Read 3 tweets
Sep 10th 2020
Coming up on #KayBurley @SkyNews

🇬🇧 🇪🇺 #Brexit showdown latest - Fmr Tory Leader Lord Howard

✈️ Travel challenges with boss of @HeathrowAirport and Portuguese ambassador to UK

Anniversary of 9/11 - joined by NYC fire officer who almost died when the south tower collapsed
Also on the programme

Chief executive of #cineworld tells us impact of #covid19 and the future for his business

Gangs of London actor Joe Cole and violinist @andrerieu also joining us.

See you from 7am @SkyNews #KayBurley
And @nadhimzahawi for the Govt
Read 3 tweets
Sep 6th 2020
Coming up on #KayBurley from 7am:🍳🥞

🗣Order, order - the speaker @LindsayHoyle_MP is in da house
🔴London Mayor @SadiqKhan also joining us
🔵And #GeorgeEustice for the Govt
💉In addition the boss of @TheLancet
⛰And the mountaineer who has climbed all 282 Munros in a month
Also on the programme:

@BillyZane and director #adammorse to discuss award winning Lucid

@HarrietHarman and @KennyImafidon on why 75% ofblack people don’t think their rights are protected

Chemical Warrior @hamishsdbg

And #MoneyMatters with @FelicityHannah

See you from 7am
And late addition to the running order

🦠 @JonAshworth for labour on the rise in #COVID19 cases.

Not sure how we’ll fit everything in. Tune in and find out. 🤸‍♀️
Read 3 tweets
Aug 15th 2020
PHS to be replaced with new body run by Dido Harding

SAGE replaced with #JointBiosecurityCentre run by Clare Gardiner (GCHQ)

Behavioural Insights Team now run by Rachel Coyle (MOD)

NHSX joint-run by Palantir. Lord Guthrie ex-head of UK armed forces is a shareholder in Palantir
Despite apparent attempts to brush their role under the carpet, the Behavioural Insights Team (Nudge Unit) seems to play a in central part in the govt’s #COVID19 response.

Why has the Nudge Unit & JBC both appointed senior cyber security experts as heads?
Despite attempts to down play their role, the Behavioural Insights Team (‘Nudge Unit’) apparently plays a central part in the govt’s #COVID19 response.

But why has the Nudge Unit & the #JBC both appointed senior military cyber security experts as heads?
Read 10 tweets
May 13th 2020
The smoking gun of govt care home policy?

Govt advice from 2 April.

“Some of these patients may have #COVOD19. All can be cared for in care homes.”

“Negative tests are not required before transfer/admission to the care home.” #coronavirus via @Goldbug40…
Here’s a link to the PDF (p.4).

What’s almost as shocking as this document is the fact that it’s been in the public domain for 6 weeks & no journalist has looked at it.

The same happened with PM’s #GreenwichSpeech from 2 Feb which I posted a month ago.…
If you haven’t seen @borisjohnson’s #GreenwichSpeech you can view it here👇

It’s the smoking gun of the govt’s #HerdImmunity strategy. The entire #THREAD is well worth a read if you have a bit of time on your hands. #COVID19 #coronavirus #COVIDー19 #Covid
Read 67 tweets

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