Govt advice from 2 April.
“Some of these patients may have #COVOD19. All can be cared for in care homes.”
“Negative tests are not required before transfer/admission to the care home.” #coronavirus via @Goldbug40…

What’s almost as shocking as this document is the fact that it’s been in the public domain for 6 weeks & no journalist has looked at it.
The same happened with PM’s #GreenwichSpeech from 2 Feb which I posted a month ago.…
It’s the smoking gun of the govt’s #HerdImmunity strategy. The entire #THREAD is well worth a read if you have a bit of time on your hands. #COVID19 #coronavirus #COVIDー19 #Covid
Since then, I keep thinking - “now this has been uncovered, I can leave it to the full-time journalists”. But somehow, it hasn’t worked out that way.
For the story so far👇👇
The media only grudgingly covered the former after 12/3 & the latter has yet to be reported anywhere.
See next tweet👇for more from 5/3.
The public I think understands completely the balance of risk involved. The scientists have done a v good job of explaining to us what the risks are & they are really quite small.”
On 15 April, @margtna Tweeted the document with the vital passages highlighted in yellow, at @MattHancock & @Peston.

But the point is, this was all in the public domain.
It’s about ensuring future decisions made by those in power are the right ones, guided by science.
It is a time for honesty, for transparency and for unity.
There are massive decisions facing our country in the coming weeks.
We need sober leadship, responsible journalism and all our best scientists around the top table.
It appears from the most-up-to-date DHSC policy paper (from 16 April) that the same practice may still be in place & that people who haven't had a negative test may still be being admitted to care homes.
After some rather sinister “shots across my bow”, I’m ducking under the sofa for a little while.
But I will be back soon.
staff wear protective equipment.”
Shortages of of PPE & tests would have made this hard for many care homes.

It says "we will MOVE to institute a policy of testing residents prior to admission to care homes.”
This was a month ago but has it happened? Is anyone tracking it? (Research by @janestevenson68)…

“I feel we put a lot of effort & resources behind supporting care homes from the start, but maybe we should have explained that more clearly.”
Infuriating! @michaelgove avoids answering the question on Sky & on #Marr.
Temporary agency care home staff inadvertently spread #Covid19 according to an unpublished govt study that used genome tracking to investigate the outbreaks.
22,000+ residents are estimated to have died as a result of #coronavirus.

@BorisJohnson: A huge effort was made to try to protect care homes.
Parliamentary Liaison Committee 27/5/20 #COVID
When questioned by @PaulBrandITV @MattHancock says it’s “important people, when they leave hospital are able to go somewhere safe for that person...and safe for everybody.”
Asked why the govt drew up a plan to transfer people who’d had coronavirus into care homes without tests, Care Minister, @Helen_Whately, first tries the “guided by science” line, THEN claims “the world” only learned that #COVID19 could be asymptomatic recently.
But TBH, nothing #HelenWhatley says surprises me. Last month she’d never heard of Exercise Cygnus!
This would explain many of the ‘mistakes’ over the last 3 months & why govt ministers fail to offer straight answers to questions
In Netherlands, where a #HerdImmunity strategy is reportedly being tried more openly, “yo-yo lockdowns” are expected.

Is it really safe to open shops & schools on Monday?
Prof @devisridhar warns:
“It feels like mistakes are being repeated from early March.”
Britain was given the gift of a 3 week head-start by the likes of Spain & Italy.
It was squandered.
Late lockdown. No testing. Garbled messaging etc etc.
Thread on #HerdImmunity👇
“There’ve been 40% fewer admissions from hospitals to care homes this year.” So?
Yet MPs & PM repeat it & journalists stay silent.
@DMinghella: “I'm hearing that NHS planners have been asked to prepare for a second spike in July. That means they think you and your loved ones are going to catch Covid in June.” #HerdimmunityIsMurder

“In the space of a month, 25,060 people were discharged from hospital to care homes without being routinely tested for Covid19 in England.
It was only on 16 April that blanket testing of all discharges began.” @PaulBrandITV
The modelling teams were asked to look at a single epidemic curve, not a range of scenarios. See Prof Woolhouse’s evidence today👇
@KayBurley: You can't stick this on the scientists
@Helen_Whately: Well, I can #KayBurley
Here’s their review of @Helen_Whately’s @SkyNews interview.
He also admits he knew about #coronavirus from the beginning of January.
He also says he told the PM "right at the start".
So they knew!
This was the reply of @ProfMartinGreen of @CareEngland when asked by @CommonsHealth on 23/6 what the current situation for #COVID_19 testing in care homes is.
Shocking info about home care was also revealed. #CareHomeScandal #HomeCareScandal #coronavirus #COVID
@ProfMartinGreen challenges Chris Whitty’s care home claims. #COVID19 #CareHomeScandal
1,800 beds were block booked by the NHS & councils for that purpose...And they’re still being discharged.…
He was surveilled, spearfished and threatened but his story was eventually been proved right.…
WHO warned about it & I knew at start of March.
On 9 April, Patrick Vallance sayid 30-50% of those infected by coronavirus could be asymptomatic carriers.
Marr: Really?
MH: Not not really. But that’s the official line & we’re sticking to it.
@MattHancock says he first heard about #COVID19 at the start of 2029 & realised it was “the single biggest issue that's about to hit us.”
“Did you tell the PM?”
“Yes. I told him right at the start.”
@Dr_PhilippaW: "As I have previously said, I am concerned about not self-isolating asymptomatic people."
@MattHancock: "I do not recognise some of her clinical observations."
@angelaeagle also raised the asymptomatic issue.
(via @brexit_sham)

It’s important to remember that ALL the many scandals are part of the #HerdImmunityScandal
Mitigation = #HerdImmunity & is still govt policy
Is @MattHancock saying there are some people pushing herd immunity as a strategy & is he trying to distance himself from them?
The fact remains, mitigation IS & HAS been govt policy.
The govt never corrected the story
Was Cummings the source? @ByDonkeys
“Many care homes weren’t following the procedures in the way they should have.” @BorisJohnson
“The PM was pointing out that nobody knew what the correct procedures were because the extent of asymptomatic transmission was not known at the time.” No.10…
It’s BS that asymptomatic transmission wasn’t known.…

Hospital directors were suddenly being told what they “must” do “immediately”. #COVID19 #coronavirus #COVID

An annex (Annex B), sets out the severe conditions that would justify allowing a patient to remain in a bed.
#CareHomeScanal #COVID19 #HerdImmunityScandal #COVID

These newly published discharge guidelines show clinicians were under strict instructions.
Asymptomatic patients & people who had recovered from COVID were discharged.

On 6/7 the PM attempted to blame care homes (they didn't "follow procedures").
On 7/7 he attempted to blame the science ("We didn't know about asymptomatic transmission back then").
But he knows the truth.
“There was a huge amount of pressure clearly in the NHS to clear beds but there were some practices going on to put pressure on homes to take people which was clearly inappropriate.”
“The same number of people work in home care as in care homes: 685,000 people nationally.” @drjanetownson, CEO, UK Homecare Ass. #COVID
#HerdImmunityScandal #COVID19