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Mar 8th 2023
Today, @HouseForeign & @HouseForeignGOP's "During and After the Fall of Kabul" hearing will focus on our withdrawal from #Afghanistan.

Veterans know that we have a long way to go to ensure the U.S. keeps our promise & protects our #Afghan allies.

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Background: After 20 years in #Afghanistan, the U.S. ended our military presence in August 2021. The Taliban quickly took over the country & rapidly eroded gains made by the Western-backed #Afghan government in the past twenty years. 82,000 #Afghans were evacuated into the U.S.
Today, we’ll hear from veterans @PeterLucier from @teamamrelief, @FQhoang from @AlliedAirlift21, Aidan Gunderson, Sgt Tyler Vargas-Andrews, and @RooftopLeader from @TForcePineapple, as well as immigration expert @cmackler from @immigrantarc.
Read 44 tweets
Oct 10th 2021

@POTUS @JoeBiden has defended the decision, arguing that a withdrawal deadline agreed upon with the Taliban by Trump left the UnitedStates with no better option."
👉 #GuamOption
#KeepOurPromise #NoOneLeftBehind
"Rohde(worked for Times at time of incident but now NewYorker magazine)brave escape from Taliban compound in Pakistan, where his kidnappers had been keeping hostages. Afghan journalist TahirLudin was able to escape with Rohde, while a 3rd captive, AsadullahMangal, stayed behind."
"Taliban commander (was previously charged in 2008 kidnapping of journalist DavidRohde) and now facing charges related to attacks on U.S. troops in Afghanistan during that time, including one in the Wardak province that killed three soldiers and an interpreter."

🔴#TalibanTrump Image
Read 12 tweets
Aug 19th 2021
It’s boggles my mind as to how they can possibly just now be this concerned. We’ve been warning them over and over again for seven months. Daily.
Next to completely abandoning them, this is our nightmare scenario.
Read 28 tweets

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