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Jun 11th 2021
Dr. Craig Jurisevic 🇦🇺 surgeon of 🇭🇷/ 🇸🇮 origin who was with #Albanian 🇦🇱 #KLA terrorists in #Kosovo in 1999. testified in this video about locations of Albanian surgeons in the cities of #Krume, #Elshani, and #Tirana which are related to the organ trafficking networks. ⤵️
Besides #Yugoslavia, he was working in #Israel and #Gaza, East Timor, and #Afghanistan. At the time when the organs of the Serbs were forcibly removed, the Australian surgeon Kreg Jurišević, who was fighting on the side of the KLA, was also situated in the area of #Kukes.⤵️
In 2010. he released a book on his experiences in #Albania and #Kosovo in 1999. by the name of Blood on My Hands: A Surgeon At War which has been on the best-seller list in Australia sometime after and where he witnessed himself shooting Serbian soldiers.
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Dec 26th 2019
Around 3000 BCE in eastern #Europe, a Proto-Balto-Slavic #language started to diverge from #ProtoIndoEuropean.

The #Slavic branch of the #IndoEuropean #languages began about 2,000 years later when Proto-Slavic deviated from Proto-Balto-Slavic.

[Image:…] Source: The Indo-European L...
As the #Slavic-speaking area expanded during the first millennium CE (striped area on map), Proto-Slavic transitioned to Common Slavic. The #language underwent minor changes that occurred mostly uniformly across eastern #Europe, thereby maintaining mutual intelligibility. A map of eastern Europe sho...
Around the year 1000 CE #CommonSlavic began to split into the South, West, and East branches to which all modern #Slavic #languages belong.

Roughly 315m people speak a Slavic #language, mostly in Eastern #Europe (including the #Balkan peninsula), #CentralAsia, and #Siberia. A map of Europe highlightin...
Read 359 tweets
Sep 28th 2018
Exclusive: #Russian-American tycoon who donated c.$300K to #Trump was in extensive contact with senior #Kremlin official during summer 2016 - my story with @NBCNews and Dossier Center…
Simon Kukes told Russian ex-ambassador he was involved in "strategy development" for #Trump campaign, and sent photos to Moscow of his 29-year-old girlfriend posing with candidate Trump and Mike Pence…
Kukes gave $273,000 to #Trump Victory, making the first of several donations two weeks after notorious meeting in Trump Tower between Russia lawyer, Donald Trump Jr. et al. Kukes had no previous history of political donations
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