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Aug 3rd 2022
We know masks/respirators mechanistically filter our particles–effectiveness varying with type, style, fit and use.

•They work in practice, not only in theory.

But that doesn't mean they work all the time.
The use of 'masks' (overarching term) 𝗰𝗮𝗻 reduce the risk of transmitting an airborne pathogen.
They are imperfect. They are not a panacea. They cannot be used alone. They are a leaky\"holey layer". This means that outbreaks & epidemics still progress.
If you define "work" as 100% effective, then yes, they absolutely fail. That’s a stupid definition by the way.

•There is entrenched mythology that only healthcare settings need/should use N95/P2s (or better) masks.

Sadly, in the middle of a respiratory virus epidemic..
Read 18 tweets
Dec 15th 2021
🏷️ Naming is so important and so cumbersome in programming as Phil Karlton coined in his famous cite:

"There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things."

A thread 🧵👇
📐From the design phase.
Having a common name glossary is the central point in methodologies like #DDD.
But even if you don´t follow it, you will appreciate having a #ubiquitous language to communicate with all the people involved.
🚧 In the architect's hands naming is the core of its work.
Creating #patterns is given a name to proven solutions. Using them is using those names.
Dividing codebases and defining #layers and #tiers forces you to give them a name.
Read 6 tweets
Dec 14th 2021
🏷️ Naming is so important and so cumbersome in programming as Phil Carlton coined in his famous cite:

"There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things."
📐From the design phase.
Having a common name glossary is the central point in methodologies like #DDD.
But even if you don´t follow it, you will appreciate having a ubiquitous language to communicate with all the people involved.
🚧 In the architect's hands naming is the core of its work.
Using #patterns is given name to proven solutions.
Defining #layers and tiers forces you to give them a name.
Read 5 tweets
May 29th 2020
#QuarantineWatchParty #onlyfans #news #newnormal
Let me share some things with you, I'll do my best to put it into words,and Let those the Creator of all Reality our Heavenly Father should have to see, see. Today we're going to talk about #Letters and stuff. #alphabetsoup
Let's look at a more controversial Alphabet, #Hebrew, where we even get the English word above from, Aleph Beth. Remember #children #Layers meanings within meanings #hmmyeeealright
So what letters stand out to you? Tha's nice, those which I noticed most are T-taw, Q-Qoph, And W - Waw or is that a Y, why oh me oh my? #WhyWomenKill #Youtube #Y
Read 25 tweets
Sep 18th 2019
Barry Soetoro AKA @BarackObama when will the truth come to light? 1- Back In 1961 #POC were called “Negroes” So how come the Obama “birth certificate” state he is “African American” when that term wasn’t even used at that time. #LightToDark
2- The birth certificate the White House released list Obama’s birth as August 4 1961 and list Barack Hussein Obama as Father. No big deal right? #TheMoreYouKnow
3- At the time of Obama’s birth. It shows his “father age 25” & father was born in “Kenya East Africa” #ThesePeopleAreStupid
Read 10 tweets

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