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Mar 19th 2023
1) @MeghanWalsh_ , @did_Gi_no #DreamTeam...
CPS Corruption in Indian River County is BIGger than we ever knew. No Idea How, or Why. The Exposure Starts w/ my friend Gino's original theory on Covid being a #Keystone for US. Stay Focused America....
2) Cont...
Read 8 tweets
Sep 18th 2019
Barry Soetoro AKA @BarackObama when will the truth come to light? 1- Back In 1961 #POC were called “Negroes” So how come the Obama “birth certificate” state he is “African American” when that term wasn’t even used at that time. #LightToDark
2- The birth certificate the White House released list Obama’s birth as August 4 1961 and list Barack Hussein Obama as Father. No big deal right? #TheMoreYouKnow
3- At the time of Obama’s birth. It shows his “father age 25” & father was born in “Kenya East Africa” #ThesePeopleAreStupid
Read 10 tweets
Sep 16th 2019
.@SteveHiltonx Explains just one of the ways the swan operates.
No worries @RepSeanDuffy is there to explain and justify it to the sheep that may have seen this.
.@SaraCarterDC talks about a book that’s actually about congressmen and women getting voted in with no money in their bank account. When they leave office they are absolutely loaded.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 28th 2019
There is so much coded in this!, out in the open!
"Sybmolism will be their downfall"!
Read 29 tweets
Jul 26th 2019
So the House Democrats and state legislators representing the Democratic party go and tour these ICE facilities and complain about their lack of resources, then those same Lawmakers go back to DC and their state capitals and REFUSE to give them any type of funding! Sounds like..
Double dipping to me!
Just recently AOC went to the border and screamed at employees, exaggerated the conditions of the ILLEGAL immigrants living quarters, then she went home to D.C. and cast a vote AGAINST government funding to help these people!
Read 3 tweets
Apr 18th 2018
1) This #CDAN blind looks solved & exposes yet another sicko crime network, this time #SoutheastAsia. It connects several interesting items to #QAnon #crumbs. Don't eat while reading.

Lets unravel it.

@entylawyer #GreatAwakenening @potus #WWG1WGA #ThesePeopleAreSick #redpill
2) Starting with the country in question, it's #Laos. This is the Kings Romans Casino in a remote corner of Laos. Matches the #blind. Poverty? Dead poor. Ranks 9 of 10 in the region, and #135 globally. More about the casino...

#TheStorm #TheStormIsHere #WeThePeople #QArmy
3) The blind says that "about a decade ago" it was funded. See below, the lease with the government was signed in 2007, that fits. It's a 99 year lease. And the government gets a 20% cut. Ding ding ding.

#QAnon #WWG1WGA @POTUS #MAGA #GreatAwakenening #TheStorm #TheStormIsHere
Read 16 tweets

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