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Nov 17th 2021
Here is a strategy to try out a lot of interesting protocols/projects (it also maximizes potential #Airdrops)

Note: I assume you have #ETH/ #MATIC/ #xDai on the relevant chains to pay for gas. If not, see tweet 13 in this thread

Let's go!
Step 0: If you do not already have USDC (~$1000), use @MetaMask to swap. Rumor is this should make you eligible for a potential #metamask airdrop.

But, more importantly, it opens up the entire crypto world for you. No wallet is as well integrated in crypto as #Metamask
Step 1: Bridge 1000 #USDC from #Ethereum to @0xPolygon using @HopProtocol. Cost ~$50. Hop might potentially Airdrop.

#polygon / #matic has amongst the lowest transaction costs. Great for trying out different protocols like @matchaxyz (potential airdrop)
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