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Dec 9th 2022
USA is the worlds superpower not only because of its technology and wealth, but also due to its forced democracy military campaigns all over the world.

US gets to decide who gets democracy and who doesn’t depending on their available resources like oil, gold, minerals etc. a 🧵 Image
Read 35 tweets
Dec 8th 2022
Trading Brittney Griner for the merchant of death is not diplomacy. It is idiocy.

Sadly, under the Biden administration, these two words have become synonymous.

Viktor Bout has been indicted as a terrorist four times by the United States, selling tens of thousands of AK-47s and similar weaponry to the “potpourri of global scum”
Read 4 tweets
Dec 8th 2022
Russian disinformation is a lie
Russia election meddling is a lie
Russian collusion with right is a lie

It was always the FBI colluding with the Democratic establishment and the media to spread #disinformation

#DemocratsAreCorrupt Image
Here’s a prev thread 🧵 on FBI & CIA
#DeepState is real. Left has control.

The political left (Democrats) have good control over Hollywood, the Media, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Education, the FBI, CIA, DOJ, IRS, CDC, FDA, NSA, DHS, and the WEF.

They’re all colluding together to create an all powerful entity. Image
Read 24 tweets

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