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Sep 28th 2022
#HurricaneIan is a really bad one. #Katrina bad. #Andrew bad #Michael bad.

I've been away from Twitter for a couple weeks; back in #HWStormWatch mode now. My top tips below.

The very best website for #Ian info:
Tips for surviving #HurricaneIan:


You can drown in just 6" of flood water, if it's moving fast enough. The danger threshold for vehicles is 12".
Flood waters are extremely unhygienic & can hide obstacles & sinkholes. Don't walk in them.

Evacuate BEFORE the storm. If you don't, then stay put until it's gone.

Never go out during the short window of time when the eye of the storm passes. You don't know when it will end.
Read 11 tweets
Sep 2nd 2022
Let me see if I can make this simple #MichaelCope, along with other boys were MOLESTED by a mentor for years after school. #MICHAEL quit school to get away. 2 years later had an encounter. His MOLESTER attacked to KILL #Michael. #Michael had no plans, intentions
Or thoughts of ever hurting or killing anyone. He didn't have any weapons but the MOLESTER had a small steak knife. The MOLESTER had #Michael in a chokehold. He was having trouble breathing and started to black out. #Michael got the knife and started stabbing backward over his>>>
Shoulder. #Molester was not giving up but finally his grip was loosening and #Michael got up and started running. The #MOLESTER was running after him. #Michael made it to his car, got in and took off 1 block away to nearest payphone. Called 911 for help. The #MOLESTER >>>
Read 8 tweets
Mar 28th 2021
Das ist eine unfassbare Diskreditierung der hochangesehenen Wissenschaftler (seiner Kolleg:innen!), die eine lebensschützende, wirtschaftsschonende und bildungsgewährende Strategie erarbeitet haben.

#Heinz Bude
#Michael Meyer-Hermann

Wieso verhält er sich in der Öffentlichkeit seinen Kolleg:innen gegenüber so diffamierend?
Es verletzt Anstand und kollegiales Verhalten. 2/
Die zitierten Tweets haben auch nichts mehr mit wissenschaftlichem Diskurs oder Peer-review zu tun, wie sie hier ⬇ dargestellt sind.…

Read 13 tweets
Sep 10th 2020
“The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is sound, your whole body will be full of light.''

~Matthew 6:22 #TheGreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #QAnon #DarkToLight ImageImage
The angel gives him a new name and identity as Israel, “one who has prevailed with God.” Jacob asks to know the angel’s name, but he just gives a blessing and leaves. Alone again, Jacob marvels, “I have seen God face to face and lived.” #BlueAngel #Michael
Read 6 tweets
Jun 21st 2020
#DarkNetflix Es la serie que conecta el pasado, presente y futuro en un circulo sin principio ni final.

No importando ¿Dónde? sino ¿Cuándo?

Las preguntas que se originen seran contestada a lo largo de este hilo

[HiLo] Image
La historia se desarrolla en un pueblo llamado #Winden, donde funciona una planta nuclear.

Muy cerca a la planta existe una cueva que contiene un agujero de gusano que conecta el pasado con el presente. ImageImageImage
En el pueblo habitan 4 familias

Los #Nielsen.
Los #Kahnwald.
Los #Tiedemann.
Los #Doppler. ImageImageImageImage
Read 269 tweets
Sep 20th 2019
Films by #AnuragKashyap on digital platforms.

A thread..
#LastTrainToMahakali (1999) for #StarBestsellers

Feat. @kaykaymenon02 Nivedita Bhattacharya @urfvijaymaurya Loveleen Mishra and Shri Vallabh Vyas.

Read 83 tweets
Oct 24th 2018
Thread. I post and RT a fair amount of weather-related content on my TL because of my conviction that climate change is a mortal threat to human civilization. Note one aspect of #Yutu that @chriscmooney explains here: it strengthened very fast, from Cat 1 to 5 in about a day.
Warmer ocean water due to climate change means we can expect to see more of this. It has obvious implications for disaster preparedness along US coasts. Bigger, stronger storms could be right on top of people before they could evacuate...
...or reinforce residential and commercial structures, as we saw with #Michael in Florida & Georgia earlier this month. Climate change brings much more with it, though, than bigger hurricanes. @fivefifths has a penetrating observation in @TheAtlantic…
Read 9 tweets
Oct 14th 2018
JUST IN: @usairforce confirms that @SecAFOfficial, @GenDaveGoldfein and CMSAF Gen. Kaleth Wright just touched down at @TeamTyndall to survey the damage from #hurricanemicheal. About 600 military families have been displaced, and as many as 17 F-22s may be damaged or destroyed.
UPDATE: an Air Force official tells me USAF assessed the damage at Tyndall today, including F-22s that weathered the storm. All aircraft are intact and initial indications are “promising.”
Officials will take “detailed maintenance assessments” before they can say with certainty that all damaged aircraft can be repaired, but sounds like things aren’t as bad as initially feared
Read 5 tweets
Oct 9th 2018
Please download these apps now if you are in the path of #HurricaneMichael. Later, when there is no electricity, may be too late. Remember, there are no street signs in flooded areas.
(h/t @CEDRdigital)
#HurricaneMichael2018 #HurricaneResources
Please follow these instructions NOW so you can find the geo-coordinates to your location in the event you ever need rescue. Lets do this BEFORE there's an emergency.
(h/t @CEDRdigital)
#HurricaneMichael #HurricaneMichael2018 #HurricaneResources
Read 32 tweets
Sep 12th 2018
(1) HW's running thread of information and updates about Hurricane #Florence and other less severe storms affecting the US this week. #Olivia #Isaac and potential #Joyce aka #95L in the #Gulf.

Thread #1 was:
(2) Official FEMA PSA on Hurricane Prep, please RT:

(3) The first clouds of #Florence arriving now. Please evacuate this afternoon, it's the last chance to do so safely. Eventually even first responders will stay put until she passes.

Read 51 tweets
Jan 29th 2018
So I’ve been wanting to be play this game..Finally going to do it... Image
1. (#Damon & #Elena) #Delena |You want a love that consumes you. You want passion and adventure, and even a little danger..#TVD
2. (#Liam & #Steffy) #STEAM | No one can stop us. You know why? Because we are written in the damn stars.
Read 140 tweets

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