Most hurricane deaths are caused by flooding. #TurnAroundDontDrown


>GA: gema.ga.gov
>SC: scemd.org
>NC: readync.org
>VA: vaemergency.gov
>MD: mema.maryland.gov

16 key national info sources for hurricanes & other emergencies:
EM agency accounts in 11 Atlantic states from GA to NY and inland:
#Florence #Olivia #Isaac
Call, text or visit @distressline, a free 24/7 emotional support line for any1 in the US experiencing distress re current (or past) emergencies of any kind.
Check out @humanityroad, a great network for info.

>If in doubt evacuate now.
>If staying, keep out of the water until all clear given.
>If flooded out, get on roof, with a bedsheet. Attic can trap you.
>Use 911 only for emergency, if busy, stay on line rather than trying again.
>If staying & you need water rescue, call local non-emergency numbers (or 911) instead of asking publicly on social media, which duplicates & wastes resources.
>Write down your county Sheriff's numbers now.
>Plan for 7 days on your own, not 3 days.

Donating goods is a real pain for responders (unless they ask 4 specific items.) Beware the #SecondDisaster

If you're foolish enough to try to stay, DO NOT go out on the beach as the eye of the storm passes.
Water gets sucked out, then the danger resumes without warning.

Some in the affected areas will not be fine, though. Those new to the area, the less well educated etc.
My approach to a mega storm like #Florence is: #BetterSafeThanSorry.

LEOs, ambulance/medical, firefighters/rescue/USAR crews, @USCG @NationalGuard @DeptofDefense @USACEHQ @DHSgov @fema & county & state govt workers & leaders & more.
#Florence #Olivia #Isaac

"Put on your own oxygen mask first."
Other states' websites appear in a tweet upthread. Write down key numbers now in case you need them later. #Florence

More than 50% of hurricane deaths are caused by storm surge. #TurnAroundDontDrown #EvacuateNow #Florence

Landfall expected Friday 2am, with increasingly severe weather before hand.


A new tropical low is forecast next week near Bermuda, travelling Westward. I check the nhc.noaa.gov page daily bc I hate being the last to know.

Please note these safety tips. #Florence
My thoughts are with everyone affected by this storm.

Not especially strong wind speeds but A LOT of rain, over a long period of time.

>300,000 customers without power in North Carolina.
Hang in there folks.