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Feb 9th 2023
This is from Babarshah, Pataudi, Haryana

Bajrang Dal members led by Monu Manesar used guns during a fight between a group of men belonging to different communities.

Mohin Khan, 20, a local who was passing through the area, sustained a gunshot wound in stomach.
Importantly, Monu Manesar is the leader of a cow vigilante group. Just last week, he was accused of killing a Muslim youth over cow smuggling allegations.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 31st 2021
Buckin' #TouThao doesn't need any damned water if #GeorgeFloyd didn't get any air! We're having #DerrickChauvin's trial now, but you're not forgotten #Thao, you should've stopped the other 3 from #murdering #GeorgeFloyd, but you helped them! #ConvictThao!
At 09:30 #TouThao says he was taught #CPR at the police academy, recertified every two yrs. Why didn't he pull that skill out of his ass during #TheMurderOfGeorgeFloyd? The first thing they teach you is to take a pulse, did he take #GeorgeFloyd's pulse?
This meeting takes place in August 2020, it's warm in Minnesota in August, and #TouThao is there voluntarily, he is not under arrest, so all five of these men are #CovidIdiots because they aren't having this meeting outside and with masks on.

Read 12 tweets
May 15th 2019
Homicide always requires a certain hubris: a pride that vaunts the "wants" or "needs" of the killer over the life of the killed.

That hubris is now on display with a posting from "Auntie Lynn."
That posting directs itself to the women of Georgia (and other States adopting "#heartbeat" #abortion restrictions).

The posting pretends to be an invitational note from an old Auntie who lives in New York. Well, no, it is an invitation so it isn't a pretense in that respect.
The pretense is that it comes from one's Aunt rather than from folks involved in #murdering #uterine #children for hire. Auntie Lynn wants poor repressed mothers in #Georgia and elsewhere to know that #abortions will still be available to them in #NewYork.
Read 11 tweets

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