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Jun 6th 2023
DJT🇺🇸 Ty Cobb is a disgruntled former Lawyer, who represented me long ago, and knows absolutely nothing about the Boxes Hoax being perpetrated upon me by the DOJ for purposes of interfering with the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election, where I am Image
substantially leading all “comers,” including Republicans and Democrats. His words are angry, nasty, and libelous, only because I did not continue using him (and paying him), and for good reason.
He will be held legally responsible for his false statements!

Timestamp: 8:05 ET>20:05 MIL
Sounds like he’s saying #NCSWIC⚡️⚡️⚡️
Roll it up 🧵
Read 4 tweets
Apr 1st 2023

“Nobody is above the law” is now a mantra embedded in the psyche of the left.

“Precedent has been set” will be another, though they’re not gonna like that one 😁…

Do you see what's happening?

Trump actually has the rabid Trump-haters on Twitter chanting "NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW!" like a freaking mantra now.

They'll keep chanting it, too. Image
Remember, these are the SAME PEOPLE who DELIGHT in the fact the Bidens, the Obamas, the Clintons, the Bushes all got away with their crimes [so far!]. They REJOICE in the fact their HEROES have never been held accountable.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 13th 2023
@Machell49934776 Don't forget vitamins, supplements, ivermectin, LOTS of water, items to barter (pet foods, protein drinks, vegetable seeds, cleaning supplies, baby food/formula, whatever your immediate neighbors might be short on over time) space heater, electric blanket, batteries, candles
@Machell49934776 Flashlights, lighters, matches, am/fm radio, spare gas, solar generator, bicycle, gun, ammo, and keep your passport handy. I'm a prepper of little means, live in a 55+ community, but over time, I've collected enough resources to provide 300 homes with assistance should we need it
@Machell49934776 My immediate neighbors are aged 65-100, most of whom aren't aware of the perilous times we're in. I worry about those who depend on medical devices and their pets for friendship and comfort. They have relatives, of course, but many of those are incapacitated from the jab
Read 5 tweets
Feb 12th 2022
Facciamo un po' di chiarezza, perché la modalità panico è ai massimi livelli e adoro i "loro" piani ben riusciti😁

Se il deepstate consentisse ai camionisti di continuare, perderà per pura forza di volontà e numeri.
Ma se respingesse la protesta, rischia di dare inizio a una rivoluzione e incoraggiare più camionisti in tutto il mondo.

Potrebbe finire per unire il mondo rivelando i loro veri colori ed ė per questo che la frase "Queste persone sono stupide" non era solo uno slogan...
...quindi è probabilmente quello che faranno.

Tutta la gente unita è la loro più grande paura e ogni azione che intraprendono sembra avvicinarci alla realizzazione delle loro paure.

Game over🐸🍿

Niente può fermare ciò che sta arrivando.


Read 4 tweets
Aug 25th 2021
#McAfee #Afterlife dropped this PUBLIC PGP KEY earlier today. So I suppose if anybody needs to send him an encrypted message, you would secure it with this PGP key, and then only HE can read it.
go to:… Image
#Mcafee #Afterlife Telegram drop this afternoon: DATE WITH THE QUEEN and much more.
1/ Whoa! Some serious #McAfee #Afterlife drops tonight. No decoding necessary. "HILLARY, WE'RE COMING AFTER YOU."

Hey Killary Clinton
Remember Me. . .?
I’m Coming back to
Haunt You like You
Did to Me: +
Read 69 tweets
Aug 8th 2021
1/ Early morning #McAfee #Afterlife telegrams today 👇:

1106 812 814 1005 807 1111:

... and MUCH MORE. Go to:…

2/ We've seen this vault password before 👇 Image
3/ The Clown Show Ends This Week ...



John McAfee.

Read 56 tweets
Jul 28th 2021
#McAfee #Afterlife Telegram drop #176 on July 26 displays a 16-second video. The media implies that McAfee is alive and has arrived at a protected location. Or is this an older video from some previous event in McAfee's life?
👆 Do the five numbers in this #McAfee #Afterlife drop refer to the five agents who are guarding #McAfee in this "arrival" video?
#WHACKD $WHACKD #DMS #Ingersoll… Image
#McAfee #Afterlife telegram drop 191 purports to include McAfee's laugh and voice in this recent video. Previous telegrams have stated that "Rusty Shackleford" is an alias for McAfee:
Read 34 tweets

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