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Nov 4th 2022
Check out iamambroseggball's video! #TikTok

@DLawrenceOBE @NLawrenceOBE @sal2nd @MrLeeLawrence have sold us out.

Why would @TemiMwale @4FrontProject @UFFCampaign @StaffordScott_ /@MonitoringGroup #leejasper be given so much attention by
@melissasigodo @mikewhoatv @lorrainemking who have really put the nail in the coffin as far as I'm concerned who are as #GuiltyAsSin as the @metpoliceuk #msmenemyofthepeople @BBC and a senior @CoronersNews #AndrewWalker who allowed #perjury in his no #RuleOfLaw Court room?
What give this woman the God given rights to talk to me as she has by defending the very same establishment @MetTaskforce #bernardhoganhowe #CressidaDick who shot @justice4mark down dead in cold blood and no one says a single word following @riots2011
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Nov 7th 2021
LEAVES ME WHERE @DavidLammy #TheresaVilliers @clarehjohns @UKMissingPerson IN @MPSColindale REBECCA BIRD LEFT ME ON #SaturdayMorning 24/1/2015 IN THE #freezing COLD AT @OurTottenham MARSHES WHILE @MPSBarnet @MPSHendon @MPSEnfield @MPSHaringey WERE ALL BUSY COVERING UP #TheTruth
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Oct 6th 2021
In 1997 I wrote a book about Jonathan Aitken, the Conservative minister jailed for lying in a libel action against the Guardian. Alas, Aitken has been at it again - claiming he received no money from #Kazakhstan for a book on its dictator. He got £166,000…
The money was routed via a PR company that works for Kazakhstan's government. Its founder Patrick Robertson is a #Brexiteer ultra who worked in the 1990s as Aitken's press guy. World PR paid Aitken the cash from secret #offshore accounts and underwrote his US book tour
The #PandoraPapers includes Aitken's hotel bill for an event at the Library of Congress. Ironically enough, Aitken’s political career came to an end in 1996 after he lied about who had paid for his stay at Paris's Ritz hotel – not a Kazakh dictator back then but the Saudi royals
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Aug 18th 2020
The Senate Intel Committee VOL V supporting some of the key findings made by former special counsel Robert Mueller.

Committee made DOJ referrals about some witnesses it says may have misled Congress; Manafort was ‘grave counterintelligence threat’…
“The lack of vet­ting of for­eign in­ter­ac­tions by Tran­si­tion of­fi­cials left the Tran­si­tion open to in­flu­ence and ma­nip­u­la­tion by for­eign in­tel­li­gence ser­vices, gov­’t lead­ers, and co-opted busi­ness ex­ec­u­tives,” the re­port said.…
A sub­stan­tial por­tion of the re­port fo­cuses on the con­nec­tions of one-time Trump cam­paign chair­man Paul Man­afort with Kon­stan­tin Kil­imnik, whom the re­port de­scribes as a Russ­ian in­tel­ of­fi­cer, & Rus­sia-aligned oli­garchs in Ukraine.…
Read 57 tweets
Nov 5th 2019
🚨BREAKING: after denying a #QuidProQuo while under oath, Gordon Sondland now admits to a #QuidProQuo and details telling #Ukraine officials they wouldn’t get US aid until they PUBLICLY committed to investigations wanted by @realDonaldTrump.

In his “updated” testimony, Sondland admitted to discussing the #QuidProQuo with a top adviser to #Ukraine’s president: “I said that resumption of the US aid would likely not occur until #Ukraine provided the public anticorruption statement that we had been discussing.”🔥
In his “new” testimony, Sondland said he believed that withholding aid—$391 million approved by Congress—was “ill-advised,” although he did not know “when, why or by whom the aid was suspended.”🙄

But he said he came to believe that the aid was tied to the investigations.🛎🛎🛎
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Nov 4th 2019
✳️Oh My!✳️


Kushner gave the green light to MBS to arrest Khashoggi, who was later murdered in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.

Turkish intel has an intercept of the call between Kushner & MbS & Erdogan used it to get Trump to roll over & pull US troops out of N Syria.
✳️ Oh My2✳️

The HIC know this whole tale and the identities of some of the people telling it.

Adam Schiff certainly seems to be smiling a lot these days.

Trump may have violated criminal provisions of the Hatch Act

Mueller Docs: Manafort Pushed Ukraine Hack Tale in 2016.
✳️ Oh My3✳️

Trump pushed UKR to open a probe into whether their country interfered in the 2016 election — an assertion made in an effort to discredit USIC & OSC’s findings.

Gates told the FBI that Flynn had been “adamant” the Russians were not responsible for the hacking. 🙄
Read 61 tweets
May 2nd 2019
THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4384: William Barr's Testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee on 1 May 2019 • #BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #Nonverbal #EmotionalIntelligence #BillBarr #KamalaHarris #MuellerReport #DonaldTrump #Perjury #Lie
1/ On Wednesday 1 May 2019, Attorney General William P. Barr testified under oath before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary regarding the Department of Justice’s Investigation of Russian Interference with the 2016 Presidential Election.
2/ Afterward, the Justice Department announced that the Attorney General would refuse to appear before the House Judiciary Committee - which was scheduled for this morning, 2 May 2019.
Read 47 tweets
Apr 30th 2019
🎆It's the #FinalCountdown 🎆

Biden says if Trump can't comply with Congress' subpoenas, Democrats have no choice but to #impeach.

Rep. Green (Houston) wants to #impeach really, really, really badly.
🎆 #FinalCountdown 2 🎆

Congress is pressuring Trump and his administration with subpoenas. They're also considering consequences for non-compliance, such as jail and fines.

@JRubinBlogger thinks Congress should consider impeachment of administration members, such as AG Barr.
🎆 #FinalCountdown 3 🎆

Mueller is still a public servant, as his magic is worked as evidenced by @RubyWorms legal calendar.

U.S. prosecutors tell a judge that Stone can't see unredacted Mueller report.

Credico is being subpoenaed.

Assange faces U.S. extradition trial.
Read 57 tweets
Apr 1st 2019
Looking forward to @DevinNunes finally giving formal referrals to DOJ this week.

Time for Podesta's time in the barrell....sorry John, you knew all about the dodgy dossier, in fact you got the first memo to Obama on June 27, 2016. #perjury
@DevinNunes Come on skippy, Elias was sitting right next to you, as your f'n lawyer, yet you claimed you didn't know who funded the dossier or what they were up to in 2016? 🤔
Read 7 tweets
Mar 9th 2019

After telling @HouseIntel under oath that he did NOT meet with members of @realDonaldTrump’s campaign, Erik Prince now admits to meeting Team🇷🇺Trump in Aug16, along with representatives from the Middle East, to discuss “#Iran policy.”🙄

And, of course, Don Jr lied under oath about the SAME meeting.🙄


Erik Prince arranged Don Jr’s Aug’16 meeting with George Nader (representing #SaudiArabia & #UAE) and an Israeli specialist in "social media manipulation," who offered to help **THROW THE ELECTION** to Trump.🤬

This is ILLEGAL. No wonder they LIED.🙄

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Dec 19th 2018

Roger Stone is in the barrel‼️

Mueller asked House Intel on Friday for an official transcript of Roger Stone’s testimony, likely b/c Mueller can PROVE that Stone LIED to Congress & will charge him with a #felony.😎


“That suggests prosecutors are getting ready to bring a charge. Prosecutors can’t bring a charge without an original certified copy of the transcript that shows the witness lied.” ~former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner.

Although not confirmed, Mueller is believed to be probing Stone's LIES to Congress about what prompted him to predict the #WikiLeaks dump **in advance**. Remember Stone's now-infamous tweet about "Podesta's time in the barrel"?🧐
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Nov 29th 2018
🔥THREAD: Michael Cohen's plea deal with Mueller is utterly damning for @realDonaldTrump and his spawn, Don Jr, Kremlin🇷🇺Barbie, and Eric.

Please follow along and RT some of the highlights of Cohen's plea deal (link to Cohen's plea deal:…)

🔥Cohen pleaded GUILTY for LYING to @HouseIntelComm and Senate Intel to "minimize the links between the Moscow Project (Trump Tower Moscow) and Individual 1 (@realDonaldTrump)" and give the FALSE impression that the project ended before the "Iowa caucus and...the first primary."
Cohen now admits that the #MoscowProject was discussed MULTIPLE times w/in @Trump Org – including with Trump and "family members" (Don Jr, Kremlin🇷🇺Barbie, Eric) – **as late as June 2016** when Trump was the presumptive @GOP nominee for president.

Read 15 tweets
Jun 22nd 2018

THREAD: House Intel Democrat @ericswalwell **hammers** Roger Stone and Michael Caputo👉🏼says both men “lied through their teeth” when they testified before the Intel Cmte & should be investigated for #perjury.🧐 1/

During the 2016 campaign, Stone met in #Florida w/a #Russian🇷🇺immigrant & sometime FBI informant Henry Greenberg who offered Clinton dirt.🤨

We’ve heard this story before from Don Jr and Kushner.🙄 2/

Neither Stone nor Caputo mentioned the meeting when they testified last year before House Intel about their contacts w/#Russians.🤨

Both men have attributed to the fact that they had “forgotten” about it.🙄



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