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1) Welcome to a new #accredited #tweetorial in our series of educational programs on #hypertrophic #cardiomyopathy #HCM. Previous programs, still available for 🆓CE/#CME, are at
Now you can earn another 0.75hr credit by following this 🧵!
2) Our expert author is JA Linderbaum MS, ARNP, FACC, FPCNA @jlinderbaum, Associate Professor of Medicine, @MayoClinic, CV #NursePractitioner, Assoc. Medical Editor #AskMayoExpert.
#FOAMed #MedEd @MedTweetorials #CardioTwitter @transformingHC @TNPJ_Journal #cardiology
3) This program is supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Bristol Myers-Squibb. Statement of accreditation and faculty disclosures at Credit for #physicians #nursepractitioners #physicianassociates #nurses #pharmacists from @academiccme.
Read 70 tweets
„After my first #covid #vaccination I felt headache during and after exercise and I had to vomit. I thought I've been busy, didn't sleep well, this will pass.
But I was wrong. After the booster vaccination in January 2022 I got #heart #palpitations while exercising. …“

„It got worse also during work and climbing stairs. My heart bests raised up to 165 per min.
In March 2022 I got #covid, mild /moderate - some headache.
But heart complaints were getting worse and I got pain in my left arm and neck. Cardiologist couldn't find anything. …“

„Since March 2022 my life paused. I worked as a physicaltherapist with people who have cancer. 
I exercised 6 times a week, I sang in a band and acted for fun.
In result of rehabilitation I can walk slowly for 50 minutes again. I'm still unable to work. …“

Read 4 tweets
Thread of anecdotal experiences March/April 2022
'West Coast has 10 players this week unavailable because of Covid positive or close contact🤦‍♂️ #AFL'
posted by
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Patients with mitral annular disjunction present with frequent premature ventricular contractions; in this study, one-third had ventricular arrhythmias & one-tenth had severe arrhythmic events. @JACCJournals…
A total of 82 (71%) patients reported #palpitations, 47 (41%) patients reported previous pre-syncope, 40 (34%) had ventricular arrhythmia, 15 (13%) had experienced #syncope, & 14 (12%) patients had experienced a severe arrhythmic event prior to inclusion
Mitral valve prolapse was present in 90 (78%) patients
Read 10 tweets
‘ ... it is unlikely that #caffeine [#coffee, #tea] consumption causes or contributes to #AtrialFibrillation. Habitual caffeine consumption might be associated with lower risk of #AFib, but caffeine intake may increase symptoms of #palpitations unrelated to #AF.’
2020 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of #AtrialFibrillation #ESCCongress :…
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Présentement en train de tenter de joindre l'@urssaf au tel, ne m'oubliez pas...
- Essai 1 : 10 minutes d'attente à 12 cents/minute.
Conseiller : "Ah c'est pas le bon service et non, je peux pas vous transférer moi-même au bon service, rappelez et refaites tout le cheminement depuis le début"
Échec critique.
- Essai 2 : 10 minutes d'attente à 12 cents/minute.
Conseillère : "Rholàlà, c'est la CPAM qui se plante dans le papelard qu'elle vous demande. Nous on peut rien vous fournir d'autre que ce que vous avez déjà!"
Read 20 tweets

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