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Aug 13th 2022
Whenever I come across an attempt to promote #homeschooling in India, I feel compelled to discourage it as a responsible citizen and a conventional educator. Since this video is no different, here is another 'homeschool-bashing' #thread.

@SamrajSanjana & @aramanujaa are great tweeple to follow. I am merely voicing my disagreement with the idea of #homeschooling in India here, and it has nothing against them, personally. They are amazing people, from what I know about them so far.
My 'resistance' to #homeschooling in India is not the mere fear of a 'traditional' teacher about a new and revolutionary education movement. Like many of you, I loved the idea of the possibility of #homeschooling in India when I first heard about it.
Read 47 tweets
Feb 2nd 2022
In 2021, many parents fought hard to return school to normal. We were vilified and bullied. If any parent dared to speak out, we were shut out of school board meetings. We were called teacher-haters, child-killers, anti-vaxxers, even domestic terrorists. 1/🧵
We were attacked by anti-racist groups - because apparently wanting a normal life and in-person school for our children is something that only white-privileged racists would dare say. We fought the good fight. Went to battle. 2/
We were told 2 weeks to slow the spread. After that, many of our kids didn't see the inside of a classroom again for over a year. Then finally schools opened - but with restrictions and rules. 3/
Read 16 tweets

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