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Feb 27th 2023
**Apollo - A Mafia of healthcare industry **
An important thread
β€’ In 1994, GNCTD and IMCL signed an agreement to lease 15 acres of prime land in Delhi for the construction of Indraprastha Apollo Hospital at a nominal rate of Re. 1 per month for 30 years. 1/n
β€’ In exchange for the land, Apollo Hospital agreed to provide free treatment to 40% of patients belonging to the EWS and reserve 33% of its IPD beds for the poor.

β€’However, Apollo Hospital breached its obligations under the agreement, as it failed 2/n
to allocate even 10% of its IPD beds to poor patients.

β€’ Sh. Ashok Aggarwal (@socialjurist) a prominent lawyer filed a PIL in the Delhi High Court in 1997 impleading GNCTD and IMCL to provide free treatment to needy citizens and seeking the court direction on the issue 3/n
Read 20 tweets
Feb 25th 2023
Dear India,

#ModiGovt 's headlines management through a pliable media has tried to take your attention away from some dangerous situation that our Nation is suffering from.

Allow me to update you on one extremely important topic - India's Forex reserves.

Why do we need Forex?
We need reserved of foreign currencies with the RBI to meet our

A. Import expenses
B. Repayment of external debts
C. Investments abroad
D. Services like education, medical treatment, tourism, on-site projects etc

We earn forex through exports. And add more dollars thru loans
Overall imports in April-November 2022 are estimated to be USD 610.70 Billion.

India's overall exports (Merchandise and Services combined) in April-November2022 are estimated to be USD 499.67 Billion.
Read 14 tweets
Feb 23rd 2023
"Israelis up against Govt. to protect independence of Judiciary, Pakistanis fought against a dictator & reinstated their CJI, impossible to expect the same from Indians, large scale executive interference in Judiciary today." - Dushyant Dave.

"Large no. of Judges are highly questionable. Standup comedian for just making fun of the #ChosenOne don't get bail. Oppn. Leaders get arrested on flimsy grounds & bailable offences & refused bail."
- Dushyant Dave
"Nation & Public Interest are the losers, #SupremeCourtOfIndia hasn't exercised the power of contempt since 1993, SC is afraid of the Executive, "

Read 10 tweets
Feb 23rd 2023
Assam Police takes @Pawankhera into custody from Delhi Airport for his remarks against PM Modi.

If this is the case of Top Level @INCIndia members, Imagine the condition of Minorities, Muslims, dalits..!! #UndeclaredEmergency
@ShayarImran n @SupriyaShrinate condemn the unconstitutional n illegal act of the arrest of @Pawankhera ji.…
@rssurjewala protest against illegal arrest.
Read 4 tweets

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