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Feb 14th 2020
Back in March 2018 we reversed engineered / identified just over 250 Twitter accnts of the 600 Russian influencer accts monitored by the German Marshall Fund at the #Hamilton68 dashboard. Over time we expanede this list and broke them into subcatgories Image
Without giving away too much part of the reverse engineering involved an oversight in how the @SecureDemocracy dashboard displayed its trending data. We reverse engineered enough accounts as seed accounts to then grow out the set over time. We are completely independent of @gmfus ImageImage
Fast forward to 2day. We looked at the discussion of candidates within the Kremlin-aligned #Hamilton68 subset of accnts most focused on Russian Geopolitics. This wordcloud in first week of Feb. shows positive support to Bernie Sanders #Bernie2020 #elections2020 #nvcaucus Image
Read 13 tweets
Feb 8th 2020
In NH debate, Pete Buttigieg defended his billionaire donors. “We need politics that is defined not by who we reject but how we bring everybody into the fold.”

As if billionaires have not been part of the “fold.”

Thread on some of #PetesBillionaires, who contributed to him.
Note: The campaign contribution limit is $5,600 between the primary and general election.

Most of the billionaires in this thread, who donated to Pete For America, contributed the legal maximum one can give to a candidate committee. #PetesBillionaires
Jonathan Gray is billionaire, who is president and COO of Blackstone, multinational private equity firm. He oversees hotel, industrial, office, retail, and residential properties in U.S., Asia, and Europe.

Gray contributed $2,800 to Pete on May 20, 2019. #PetesBillionaires
Read 45 tweets
Feb 8th 2020
Sanders: "Donald Trump lies all the time." That's why no one should believe him when he attaches the socialist label to Democrats.

Sanders showed how he would respond to Donald Trump's scaremongering on socialism in speech in 2019:… #DemDebate
Biden said, "President Trump wants to stick a [socialist] label on every candidate." He thinks Trump will attach this label to all down-ballot Democratic candidates and that would be bad. #DemDebate
Steyer echoes Bernie. He doesn't promote this idea that "socialist" label will be bad. Turnout must be increased substantially to beat Trump. #DemDebate
Read 48 tweets
Feb 7th 2020
The candidate with the most billionaire donors is Biden--that is embedded in the article focused on Buttigieg.
It seem like journalistic malpractice to write a piece that the details of the story refutes.
"Only one candidate had more billionaire donors than Buttigieg: Joe Biden, with 44."
Then the headline is false.
Also Biden has said straight out that the wealthy are safe with him.
Biden tells elite donors that he doesn't want to "demonize" the rich.
Maybe Bernie should be looking at Biden, since he doesn't want to take on any actual billionaires like Trump.
Read 4 tweets

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