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The #GOP, a coalition between Big Business farmers and turkeys who'll vote for Christmas (Red Scare cowards, apocalyptic white nationalists, religious fanatics) has fallen to its bizarre, violent radical wing, obsessed with policies that are irrelevant to most Americans.

1/ The title page of Richard H...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…

As @owillis writes, the views of the radical right - which are also the policies of the GOP - are wildly out of step with the US political view:…

Read 61 tweets
Christmas's apocalyptic airline meltdown stranded thousands, ruining vacations and costing fliers a fortune. It wasn't just #SouthwestAirlines' meltdown - as stranded fliers sought alternatives, airlines like #AA raised the price of some domestic coach tickets over $10K. 1/ A vector drawing of a man slumped at a desk with his face on
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
This didn't come out of nowhere. Southwest's growth strategy has seen the airlines add more planes and routes without a comparable investment in back-end systems, including crew scheduling systems. 3/
Read 40 tweets
Wednesday is MY BIRTHDAY & y'all can make me this ⬇️ elated if you share/support my #MVPHarris fundraising drive! Contribute ANY amount using my link OR purchase a ticket to upcoming fundraisers using my links (thread ⬇️)
💸… 💸 #KamalaHarris #BidenHarris Image
Purchase tickets to the 10/13 Trek the Vote to Victory: Virtual Panel with 19 Icons from five Star Trek Casts & with special guests Andrew Yang, Cory Booker, Pete Buttigieg, & Stacey Abrams by clicking here:…
Tickets start at $25! #TrektheVoteToVictory
Purchase tickets to the 10/13 Virtual Reception with the Cast of Jagged Little Pill The Musical featuring #AlanisMorissette. Tickets start at $25.
Click here to buy:… #BidenHarris Image
Read 11 tweets
Hey y'all! I am ALL IN for the #BidenHarris ticket and that means fundraising! Look out for me posting opportunities to support through upcoming events or you can just drop a few coins using this link:…
Feel free to use the OTHER box. Every $ counts!
Tonight VP #JoeBiden will accept the nomination and close out the #DemocraticConvention. On Friday for just $10 you can be the 1st to celebrate with Joe & Jill Biden AND #KamalaHarris & Doug Emhoff. Sign up here ⬇️ #BidenHarris2020 #BidenHarris #DNC2020…
Ashley Biden and #PeteButtigieg (Mayor Pete!) are teaming up for a special Arkansas Virtual Reception on Monday, August 24, 2020 at 5:30PM CDT/ 6:30PM EDT. Sign up for the event here ⬇️ 💛🐝…
If you cannot attend you can still contribute through this link. ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
(1/3) Hodie es #SuperTuesday, li max important die por li primaries por li Partise #Democratic. Yer evenit multissim coses por #JoeBiden, tales quam li abandonament de #PeteButtigieg e #AmyKlobuchar de lor campanies e li subsequent declarationes de apoy

#Occidental #Interlingue ImageImage
(2/3) por @JoeBiden. Mem #Beto O'Rourke revenit pos un long absentie por partiprender in li eveniment por #Biden in li state de #Texas, quel es li duesim max grand (post #California) del states quel vota hodie. Pro li rapidesse pos li votation in Sud-Carolina e #SuperTuesday, on Image
(3/3) ne save con certitá quo va evenir hodie, ma it es cert que Biden es in ascension. Li statisticos che @FiveThirtyEight predi que #BernieSanders va victer in li max important state #California ma que in tot Joe Biden va obtener un poc plu quam #Bernie mersí al altri states. Image
Read 3 tweets
(1/3) Hodie #PeteButtigieg anunciat que il renuncia su campanie por devenir candidate por presidente por li Partise #Democratic in 2020. Yun e inteligent, il parla pluri lingues, inter queles #maltés, #norvegian, #francés e #hispan. Li statisticos che

#Occidental #Interlingue Image
(2/3) @FiveThirtyEight di que ti es un mal nova por @BernieSanders, ma que ironicmen ha crescet li possibilitá in quel null candidate obtene plu quam 50%. To es pro que in quelc #SuperTuesday-states li altri tri candidates (#Biden, #Warren e #Klobuchar) es just sub li márgine de
(3/3) 15% quel es necessi por obtener delegates, e talmen ti tri va obtener les in states in queles ili til nu havet poc esperantie. Quam resultate, li grand victor secun li modelle de #fivethirtyeight es...Nequi. Ti 'nequi' nu possede un 64% probabilitá de obtener un majorité. Image
Read 3 tweets
Congratulations #PeteButtigieg on a well ran historic campaign. If you caught my #SCprimary2020 Recap then you arent surprised by this development. Here is a rough cut since I'm hopping on a flight.
Full 🎥:
I can't think of a higher note for #PeteButtigieg to spend his last day on the campaign trail than commemorating #Selma55. To #TeamPete supporters it has been fun getting to know y'all after my girl dropped out. You're welcome to stick around. Hugs & support to y'all 🤗
I can't think of a better high note for #PeteButtigieg's last day on the campaign trail than commemorating #Selma55. To the #PeteForAmerica supporters, it has been fun getting to know y'all after my girl dropped out & you're welcome to stick around as the primary continues.
Read 3 tweets
It only took 1 question for #Bloomberg to bring up #RussianInterference on behalf of #Bernie -to his credit he once again vehemently condemned it #DemDebate2020 #DemDebate Image
Pretty clear early on that #BernieSanders isn’t gonna get away from this debate unscathed, like virtually every #DemDebate before this one #DemDebate2020 Image
Joe Biden hits Bernie on his record on guns, invoking Mother Emmanuel church shooting. The first time he’s being challenged on that in a serious way #DemDebate2020 #DemDebate Image
Read 28 tweets
Overheard at a #PeteButtigieg rally:
Person 1: “#Bernie ran away with it. Like forty something percent.” Person 2: (shakes head) “I just don’t understand it.” Good sum-up of the way most traditional/moderate democrats are feeling today after #NevadaCaucuses #NexstarDC ImageImage
Following the #NevadaCaucus #MayorPete #Buttigieg beginning his #SuperTuesday campaigning here in Virginia #NexstarDC ImageImage
This campaign stop comes after stumps in Colorado last night and South Carolina this morning for #MayorPete #Buttigieg #NexstarDC Image
Read 4 tweets
1/ “Even if a new president proposes sweeping reforms, Congress would block or severely #weaken them. In #foreignpolicy, however, a new president could reshape the world with a few strokes of the pen. @StephenKinzer
@stephenkinzer 2/ “A president could bring the U.S. back into the Iran nuclear deal; lift sanctions on Venezuela; offer to begin peace talks with Russia & China; pull American troops out of the ME; stop promoting the overthrow of foreign governments @StephenKinzer
@stephenkinzer 3/ 3 candidates are fully wedded to the paradigm of #conflict & #confrontation that shapes American #foreignpolicy: #JoeBiden, #AmyKlobuchar, & #PeteButtigieg.
Read 19 tweets
Back in March 2018 we reversed engineered / identified just over 250 Twitter accnts of the 600 Russian influencer accts monitored by the German Marshall Fund at the #Hamilton68 dashboard. Over time we expanede this list and broke them into subcatgories Image
Without giving away too much part of the reverse engineering involved an oversight in how the @SecureDemocracy dashboard displayed its trending data. We reverse engineered enough accounts as seed accounts to then grow out the set over time. We are completely independent of @gmfus ImageImage
Fast forward to 2day. We looked at the discussion of candidates within the Kremlin-aligned #Hamilton68 subset of accnts most focused on Russian Geopolitics. This wordcloud in first week of Feb. shows positive support to Bernie Sanders #Bernie2020 #elections2020 #nvcaucus Image
Read 13 tweets
1er bilan de cette primaire du #NewHampshire?
3 faits majeurs:
1. #BernieSanders vainqueur mais avec 1 marge plus faible que prévu sur #Buttigieg. Ils sortent en tête de la séquence #Iowa/#NH
2. Désastre total pour #Warren ET #Biden sous les 10%
3. #Klobuchar surgit vraiment.
2) Le #NewHampshire, juge de paix de la 1ère "étape" des primaires démocrates, a rendu 1 verdict en 3 étages:
. les 3ers candidats ont chacun de quoi se réjouir.
. Il y a 2 vaincus écrasés.
. Le grupetto (désolé mais j'aime ma métaphore TDF😉) des petits candidats est écrémé.
3) Pour #BernieSanders, si la victoire est bien moins éclatante qu'en 2016 dans 1 #NewHampshire frontalier de son #Vermont d'élection, à cause d' 1 contexte différent, "a win is a win" et le contrat est rempli. Il apparaît, avec l'effondrement de #Biden, en "frontrunner" national
Read 29 tweets
Klobuchar basically came out and delivered a victory speech. As long as Pete Buttigieg doesn’t close the gap with Bernie Sanders to something like 1%, or overtake Bernie, Amy’s strong 3rd place finish will be the story #NHprimary2020 #NewHampshirePrimary #NexstarDC
Having said that, #MayorPete could steal the show if by the end of the night he’s within a point or so of #Bernie #NewHampshirePrimary #Primary2020 Image
I take @VanJones68’a point-but I wouldn’t say voters are depressed. “Confused” about who they’re supposed to vote for is more apt. Their priority is “Beat Trump” -still early, these voters don’t have a lot of contests to look back on and see who’s winning #NHprimary #NexstarDC
Read 4 tweets
Results are in for #DixvilleNotch - first votes cast at midnight in the #NewHampshirePrimary and...
👀@MikeBloomberg wins as a write-in candidate (by 2 D & 1 R)
#BernieSanders & #PeteButtigieg got 1 vote each
@WPLGLocal10 #campaigntrail #Election2020 #NewHampshire ImageImageImage
Next, results from Millsfield midnight voting:
Amy Klobuchar - 2
Joe Biden - 1
Pete Buttigieg - 1
Bernie Sanders - 1

And Hart’s Location:
Amy Klobuchar - 6
Elizabeth Warren - 4
Andrew Yang - 3
Bernie Sanders - 2
Joe Biden - 1
Tulsi Gabbard - 1
Tom Steyer - 1
@WPLGLocal10 Image
So @amyklobuchar is big leader in midnight #NewHampshirePrimary voting ...
And Mike Bloomberg scores even tho not on the ballot.
Told you there would be some surprises!
See you in the am @WPLGLocal10
Read 3 tweets
People who are taking a victory lap over Buttigieg being booed by "everyone" at a dinner last night would prefer if you didn't know that those boos came exclusively from a section of Sanders supporters.

They would also prefer if you didn't know that Sanders spoke about supporting whoever becomes the eventual Dem nominee... or that those boos eventually turned into applause for Pete.

It would be really nice if Sanders' supporters would get out of his way long enough for his actual message to get to the rest of the constituency, instead of delivering their ultimatums and absolutisms from behind a thin veneer of holier-than-thou virtue signaling....

Read 5 tweets
(1/3) 2020 es possibilmen li ultim vez por li #IowaCaucuses, nam pos un die omnicos es in cáos pro que li Democratic Partise de #Iowa ha fat grand erras in li calculation e ne save ancor qui ha victet. Ti-ci vez on usat un tre complicat processe secun li

#Occidental #Interlingue Image
(2/3) demandas de #BernieSanders qui esset contra un primarie vice un #caucus, ma li nov sistema presc ne functiona. Fórsan hodie on va saver qui ha ganiat ma li jurnales ha ja comensat scrir pri altri coses (inter altris de Adresse pri li Statu del Union de #DonaldTrump) e li
(3/3) tal-nominat "bump" (crescentie in li sondages) fórsan ne va evenir por li victor, mem si li partise publica li resultates hodie. To es mal por #PeteButtigieg e #BernieSanders, qui esperat un grand victorie por posser concurrer in li states a venir e recoltar plu apoy.
Read 3 tweets
Something I will legitimately never understand. why attack another candidate? You could use,the time and effort to volunteer, fund raise or canvas. you would, rather spend your time on a social media. platform bullying other people. Yes it does qualify as bullying.
Just don’t get this I literally don’t.
So here’s the thing. if we keep dividing ourselves further, and further Donald Trump, has already, won. end of line end of discussion. If you continue to further untrue,negatives about candidates Donald Trump has already won.
Read 14 tweets
2010 Clip: #PeteButtigieg pledged not to take money from Wall Street banks while running for state treasurer.

“It creates a conflict of interest. It creates an pay to play.” -#MayorPete
*same 2010 interview*

#PeteButtigieg’s low ethical expectations of his Illinois neighbors:

“Now I don’t want to pick on our neighbors to the west, but anytime you’re falling behind Illinois in any reform, ethics, or transparency issue I think that’s a bit of a wake up call.“
Pete has low reform, ethics, and transparency expectations for his Chicago neighbors yet took in a big haul of cash from them.
Read 8 tweets
🚨 Breaking: #PeteButtigieg donated to an anti-LGBT marriage equality candidate per 2012 FEC filings.

Pete’s donation came at a crucial time in the fight for marriage equality.

🎥: #MayorPete-funded candidate Joe Donnelly reiterating his anti-equality position during a debate.
Per the FEC report, the “Donnelly for Indiana” campaign recorded a $409 donation on September 17, 2012 from #PeteButtigieg “Mayor” employed by the “City of South Bend.”

Joe Donnelly campaigned on anti-marriage equality even as the issue gained more support under President Obama.
#PeteButtigieg’s September 17, 2012 donation to an anti-marriage equality candidate needs to be seen in the context of the 2012 push for #MarriageEquality:

On May 9, 2012, Barack Obama told ABC News, “I think same sex couples should be able to get married.”
Read 17 tweets
“Kids” from “lower income, minority neighborhoods” don’t have “someone they know personally who testifies to the value of education.” - Pete Buttigieg, 2011 South Bend Mayoral Candidate

#MayorPete #PeteForAmerica #Pete2020 #Buttigieg2020 #Buttigieg
🔦:The longer clip isn’t better:

#PeteButtigieg agreed (🗣: “definitely”) w/ Libertarian Pat Farrell that he/retired people could be mentors to kids.

Pete identifies poor “minority neighborhood” kids as needing mentors b/c no one they know “testifies to the value of education.”
Read 10 tweets
So this moment was definitely awkward...maybe it’s just me, I felt Biden had a decent performance up until this cringeworthy point. Sort of downhill from here #DemocraticDebate #DemDebate Image
I thought #KamalaHarris did herself some favors tonight, strongest performance of the night. Cory #Booker had an excellent night. #PeteButtigieg had another strong performance as well, consistently solid #DemDebate #DemocraticDebate Image
Expected to see more incoming toward #PeteButtigieg2020 -surprised he got through basically unscathed. #DemDebate #DemocraticDebate Image
Read 5 tweets
1/15 This race reminds me of the rule in boxing, a split decision goes to the champ. That's how Biden has stayed on top, plus he's authentic both in screw ups and in sincere moments such as talking about the loss of his wife/kids. #ABCDemDebate #joebiden…
2/ Elizabeth Warren's strength is her wonky, thoughtful "I'm not a typical Washington politician" and "I have a plan for that". Dodging the tax question makes her a typical Washington politician. #ewarren #ABCDemDebate #taxes…
3/ Sanders seems incapable of modulating his speech beyond shouting and haranguing. It was interesting, however, that he finally was willing to abandon Venezuelan President Maduro. #berniesanders #venezuela #ABCDemDebate…
Read 15 tweets
@TylerGarret2 @Chaander @PeteButtigieg @MaddowBlog @PeteAholics Just this week, #PeteButtigieg broke ground on a green hydroelectric project in #SouthBend.…
@TylerGarret2 @Chaander @PeteButtigieg @MaddowBlog @PeteAholics #PeteButtigieg “ the City's commitment to a sustainable future. Through our historic investment in parks & trails, natural gas-powered fleets, & downtown electric vehicle charging stations, we are distinguishing South Bend as a model for clean energy."
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