Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #pornhubisahategroup

Most recents (6)

Jun 25th 2020

'While the rest of the country grapples with race and racism, @Pornhub enables, monetizes and promotes content involving racism in its most extreme forms.' @LailaMickelwait

Read the full article here>…

Recently, we exposed @Pornhub for hosting abhorrent racist porn, denigrating to women of different ethnicities. (Read more about this here ➡️…).

There's no question - #PornhubIsAHateGroup.

Help shut it down!

Sign and share the petition ➡️

#ShutDownPornhub #TraffickingHub #Hatehub
Read 3 tweets
Jun 23rd 2020
‘30 Rock’ Blackface episodes pulled at #TinaFey and NBCU’s Request

How many people reading this watch #Pornhub or took up the porn streaming giant’s offer of a ‘free’ “Premium Account?”

Does your anti racist conviction end when you log on to #Pornhub ?

Thread #30Rock
“How to treat n*****”

“Another Toilet”

“Black Breeding Bitch”

“Black Slave Woman Mouths up White Mans Urine”

Why does violent, hateful, racist, misogynist footage get a pass on #Pornhub?

#BlackWomensLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatterAustralia Image
#Pornhub is one of the most popular porn sites in the world. Why can it eroticise violent racism with impunity?

#30Rock #TinaFey #BlacklivesMatter #BlackLivesMatterAustralia #Traffickinghub Image
Read 7 tweets
Apr 21st 2020
#ShutDownPornhub and Hold Its Executives Accountable for Aiding Trafficking

Almost 800,000 have signed the petition.

In addition to aiding trafficking, #PornhubIsAHateGroup hosting and distributing racist, hateful content.

We must expose them.…
Pornhub uses racial slurs with impunity.

#Racism is eroticised and reinforced by the content #Pornhub hosts and distributes.

Content warning - the following tweets may be distressing.


#Traffickinghub #ShutDownPornhub Image
“Pornhub premium is now free”

Here’s what’s “free.”

“Skanky n***** gives a blowjob”

Video tagged with “porch monkey” “coon” “negro” “n*****”

#Traffickinghub #ShutDownPornhub ImageImageImage
Read 7 tweets
Apr 21st 2020
.@Pornhub responded to the 800,000+ strong petition by accusing the petition starters of being a “hate group.”

A mind blowing accusation from a website littered with swastikas and racial slurs.

“Nazi f**k camp” ... “Nazi fetish”
#PornhubIsAHateGroup Image
“My Jewish ghetto whore wife”

#ShutDownPornhub ImageImage
Read 10 tweets
Apr 13th 2020
#ShutDownPornhub and Hold Its Executives Accountable for Aiding Trafficking

Almost 800,000 have signed the petition.

In addition to aiding trafficking, #PornhubIsAHateGroup hosting and distributing racist, hateful content.

We must expose them.…
Pornhub uses racial slurs with impunity.

#Racism is eroticised and reinforced by the content #Pornhub hosts and distributes.

Content warning - the following tweets may be distressing.


#Traffickinghub #ShutDownPornhub Image
“Pornhub premium is now free”

Here’s what’s “free.”

“Skanky n***** gives a blowjob”

Video tagged with “porch monkey” “coon” “negro” “n*****”

#Traffickinghub #ShutDownPornhub ImageImageImage
Read 7 tweets
Apr 10th 2020
.@Pornhub responded to the almost 800,000 strong petition by accusing the petition starters of being a “hate group.”

A mind blowing accusation from a website littered with swastikas and racial slurs.

“Nazi f**k camp” ... “Nazi fetish”
#PornhubIsAHateGroup Image
“My Jewish ghetto whore wife”
#TraffickingHub #ShutDownPornhub ImageImage
Read 10 tweets

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