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Jul 22nd 2020
I want to bring it back to #BlackLivesMatterAustralia and share some of the stories/voices of the families that I'm working closely with.

There's 438 black deaths since 1991. There are so many stories you should know. #SayTheirNames
Blak deaths in custody continue at horrific rates - despite 29 years ago a Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths In Custody which set out a roadmap of why and how to prevent blak deaths. The 339 recommendations have been ignored. Read them here.…
Blak deaths in custody continue for many reasons but largely the systemic, structural & direct racism in the justice & coronial systems, lack of accountability & because we are mass incarcerated in the first place. Our mob are 28% of prisons but only 2% of the population.
Read 46 tweets
Jul 5th 2020
It appears @Pornhub has quietly removed their channel “Black Patrol” after we exposed them just last week.

This channel featured videos of police officers targeting black men.
#BlackLivesMatter #blacklivesmatteraustralia #racism #pornharms ImageImage
How was this ever allowed on @Pornhub?

Videos from “Black Patrol” are still there.

Men are masturbating to parodies of police brutality against black men. Where is the outrage?
#blacklivesmatteraustralia Image
It looks like “African F**k Tour” has also disappeared from @Pornhub after we exposed them.

These are channels that were on #Pornhub for years. Pornhub will always host #racism

#Traffickinghub Image
Read 4 tweets
Jun 25th 2020
One of the worst criticisms of #masks is a false binary presented by experts - that alone, widespread mask use is unlikely to be a powerful intervention. But who is saying we need to decouple this from #TestTraceIsolate? Feels like a strawman. Also: #COVID19Aus
The fact that improper mask use is common is surely not enough to dismiss them as a strategy. Surely education about PPE is on the table.
BTW I'm not saying that implementing masks today in Aus would be effective. That's a separate issue. Although, I'm sure even mask skeptics...
are glad that #BlackLivesMatterAustralia protesters used masks so widely. If we could turn the clock back, would we want to run the experiment without them using masks? Is there truly equipoise here?
Read 3 tweets
Jun 24th 2020
1/ The dishonesty linking Victoria's rise in #covid19aus cases and #BLMprotest needs to stop NOW. It's being perpetrated by media/politicians and parroted by the public. The lies divide us at a time we need unity. Here are 2 big lies (LONG thread, why would you read this):
2/ Lie 1 - Protests caused transmission, facilitating current rise.
Fact - Only 4 cases are associated with protests. None yet causally linked by state/fed authorities. I don't think they're lying. Both LITERALLY TOLD PEOPLE TO NOT ATTEND PROTESTS & have no reason to cover up.
3/ This would be the PERFECT opportunity for them to say "i told you so". It would make their job easier. But they're sticking to the evidence.
Another argument supporting this lie - 'Maybe the protests DID cause spread that's not captured through testing' OK let's play:
Read 18 tweets
Jun 23rd 2020
‘30 Rock’ Blackface episodes pulled at #TinaFey and NBCU’s Request

How many people reading this watch #Pornhub or took up the porn streaming giant’s offer of a ‘free’ “Premium Account?”

Does your anti racist conviction end when you log on to #Pornhub ?

Thread #30Rock
“How to treat n*****”

“Another Toilet”

“Black Breeding Bitch”

“Black Slave Woman Mouths up White Mans Urine”

Why does violent, hateful, racist, misogynist footage get a pass on #Pornhub?

#BlackWomensLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatterAustralia Image
#Pornhub is one of the most popular porn sites in the world. Why can it eroticise violent racism with impunity?

#30Rock #TinaFey #BlacklivesMatter #BlackLivesMatterAustralia #Traffickinghub Image
Read 7 tweets
Jun 13th 2020
1. Thank you for the overwhelming support I have received from Australia and around the world, especially from Collingwood fans who I represented on the field for 10 years. Thank you, as always, to Leon, Andrew, Chris and Shae for standing with me.
2. Thank you to former teammates who have reached out privately to support me. In a moment where Black people worldwide are demanding justice and dignity, I ask that you stand with me publicly now.
3. To my former teammates who have contacted me, terrified that I will expose them, my purpose has never been to name and shame individuals. I want accountability from institutions - CFC and the AFL, whose job it is to ensure an inclusive workplace.
Read 9 tweets
Jun 8th 2020
Funny how your question made me hesitate, even though it should be straight forward. I don't want to appear to diminish the #blacklivesmatter cause. Also, many friends/patients went to protests, and don't like telling them what they 'should' do.

But fuck it I'll answer directly:
On a factual level, transmission among protesters is very plausible. The number infected on Sat could've been small. Or a lot. We don't know and it's hard to estimate. But 'a lot' is plausible. So if everyone self-isolates, we COULD prevent a huge number of downstream infections.
So, should people who attended the protests self isolate? If the aim is to reduce the RISK of large rise in cases, then the answer is absolutely a hard yes. But..
Read 9 tweets
Jun 8th 2020
I was there when protesters were pepper sprayed at Central Station on Saturday night. I want to clarify what happened as details have been misrepresented.

The first and most important being the NSW Police’s assertion that the use of pepper spray was “appropriate”.

It was not.
Below is what I saw.

When I arrived at Central Station at 6.17pm, protesters were at the entry to platforms 16 to 25 chanting “no justice, no peace” and “too many cops, not enough justice,” using walls and the sides of bins to create noise.

It was loud. It was not violent.
Police then funnelled the group inside the building by forming an impenetrable line. Police also surrounded the Surry Hills Eddy Avenue exit.

Space became confined, tensions rose.

At 6.28, a protestor with a megaphone asked everyone to take a knee to diffuse the situation.
Read 42 tweets
Jun 6th 2020
NSW police kettled a bunch of folks in Central Station, Sydney, and pepper-sprayed them in a confined space.

It's hard to imagine this happening if the police weren't there, and people could just go home.

Thread, with CW for police violence…

#blacklivesmatteraustralia #sydney
Here's NSW police aggressively pushing folks back, and then forming a line so folks can't escape the station.

#blacklivesmatteraustralia #sydney

Inside the station, you can see folks are bunched up, with the police blocking the exit. The use of pepper-spray was caught on camera.

#blacklivesmatteraustralia #sydney

Read 8 tweets
Jun 6th 2020
#Sydney’s Town Hall station closed 2-4pm because of the #BLM protest upstairs... Image
Meanwhile a big crowd already forming outside #Sydney Town Hall:
Crowd outside #Sydney for #BLM protest just told that lawyers are on hand if police intervene. (Tram lines also closed to trams). #BLmsydney Image
Read 12 tweets

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