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Jun 5th 2022
How I planned for + wrote 6 #thesis chapters in my last year while keeping all my mornings, evenings + weekends free.

A 🧵

@OpenAcademics @PhDspeaks @PhDSurvival @PhDVoice @PhD_Genie #AcademicTwitter #AcademicChatter #phdlife #phdtips #phdchat #phdwriting #postgradresearch
First, a note: I fucked about a LOT the first 2-3 yrs of the PhD. Then, had 2 bereavements + 6 straight months of health issues which put me out of action. So I ended up writing most of the thesis only in my last writing up year.

I cut it close but I got it done.

1. I looked at everything I had to do + planned backwards: How many chapters over how many months. I broke the writing plan down into months, and then into weeks.

I had an idea of how I work and how much I'm able to do within a week, so I kept it realistic.

Read 15 tweets
Nov 29th 2021
Next in our BNurs(Hons) research feature: Eillish Satchell is an emergency department nurse whose project identified the factors that impact on early-career nurses’ thriving in the workplace #WorkplaceWellbeing #NursingResearch [1/6]
Eillish’s project applied the popular model of workplace wellbeing: A Socially Embedded Model of Thriving at Work #Thriving #Wellbeing #Resilience… [2/6]
Ellish conducted semi-structured interviews with early-career nurses. Through #ThematicAnalysis she developed five key themes:
1.Interpersonal relationships
2.Work environments
3.Positive meaning
4.Ongoing learning
5.The effect of organisation [3/6]
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